Plankton, Plankton, Plankton. Won't you ever learn?
Yes, there is one God. The Lord your God is one. No question about that. What is interesting to note [and to know] is that you continue to deny the other half of this truth. Please let me explain briefly.
In Hebrew, there are 2 words for one. There is YACHID which means one, only one, something singular. The other word for one is ECHAD which means a unity of several parts or things as in 'evening and morning became one [echad] day' or 'husband and wife become one [echad] flesh'.
It is the word ECHAD which is used in the Jewish Shema which declares that the Lord your God is one [echad] Lord. So it doesn't take a brain surgeon to follow the logic, does it? Is that conclusive proof that there is a Trinity? No, but it is proof that there is more to God than the WTS would have us believe.
Other examples include in Gen 'Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness'. Still more old testament proofs of God's plurality is found at the Tower of Babel when God says 'Let us go down', ofcourse, he came down alone.
I know that these are scriptures that you would deny...too bad for you. I'll keep you in my prayers kids.
ps- You still never addressed the whole EGO EIMI from John 8;58. Ego Eimi means literally 'I am'. I have been is an incorrect translation that has been altered to appear that the WTS position could be accurate. Of course we know that is not the case as the Jews were going to stone Jesus for blasphemy after he said ego eimi. Apparently Jesus knew who he was, eh?