Great tread. My brother always tells me that you know a tree by it;s fruit. What are the JW fruits?
What good comes from the WTS services?
hello, lurkers and curious.
i imagine you're reading this because either you think you can defend your beliefs victoriously or you have doubts.. i have 2 questions that i hope you can log in and answer (no one will know who you are unless you tell them or leave your page open for others to see).
1. what actual worship did you do at the meetings or gatherings?.
Great tread. My brother always tells me that you know a tree by it;s fruit. What are the JW fruits?
What good comes from the WTS services?
so today i'm watching cbs news coverage of the popes visit to america.
first, let me say i'm not religious at all at this point in my life.
still a few things stood out to me about the news coverage of his visit.. first thing i wondered was if a gb member happened to garnish this much press (unlikely) what would his message be?
my brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'.
so,my question is what are the jw fruits?.
just asking....sincerely.
My brother says ''we're the only ones going door to door restoring God's name"
I explained that going door to door is a work and not a fruit. It is a poor work at best as how many people has he converted? What are the fruits? TO which he has no answer
i remember seeing the ex-jws parading around outside the assembly like lepers holding placards of hate.
we were the righteous and enlightened ones... and they were lost in outer darkness.
just dont look at them was the standard response to their unwelcome presence..
I have never been a JW, but I am angry at the WTS. Angry at the arrogance and ignorance. Lying for the truth and such. Wolf in sheeps clothing at the door. Talking about the bible, but twisting it to fit their own membership drive. Effing disgrace!
I'm angry that they converted my brother and his family and took them away from their extended family with lies and scripture twisting. Lies that have people who were JWs now looking at the bible with skepticism as well as the WTS.
His life has steadily gone down hill since kingdom hall membership. He lost his business, then a good job. He had property that he lost and is a shell of his former self. His wife and kids too.
They all need help yet are above the rest of us because they have 'The Truth'.
It is very sad and discouraging. Oh, how I wish they would fade or just leave.
Not angry at JWs, just their org.
we all hear this notion of "theocratic warfare", and how it is used to justify jehovah's witnesses to lie or withhold the truth even under oath, based on the reasoning that we don't owe the truth to those who aren't entitled to it.
but, can we put our finger on where this doctrine started?
well, brace yourselves, here it is.
How could ANYONE trust an organization that says that you can lie about your faith if it brings in more people.
My brother regrets telling me of the policy called 'lying for the truth'.
At first, I thought there's no way that an organization that refers to itself as 'the truth' would allow a policy of lying for the truth.
Toned down to 'theocratic warfare' doesn't help because our warfare should be against evil and not people who are made in the image and likeness of God.
just mho
witnesses are not supposed to stand for the national anthem but can stand for a flag salute.. you can't say bless you if someone sneezes, good luck!, or " you too" if someone says, happy holidays.. it is a religion of cannot dos.
everything is pagan and worldly.. what are things that are unacceptable to jehovah's witnesses that really are no big deal to everyone else?
my brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'.
so,my question is what are the jw fruits?.
just asking....sincerely.
disposable hero, you said it all with this.
I can only speak from my own standpoint.
I haven't suffered at the hands of the bOrg (except for my lack of education),
Lack of education is the biggest violence against a person that can be.
In America, African and island slaves were kept ignorant to control them. Once they became educated, their lives [and everyone else s'] become much better. Critical thinking helps people for life. All people.
just saying
my brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'.
so,my question is what are the jw fruits?.
just asking....sincerely.
I can agree with you disposable hero. Many people here [and at the kingdom halls] are good decent, God fearing folks who want to know and love God. My brother is a good and decent man who loves his family and friends at his cog. There are just many things that the org does to corrupt his Christianity in my opinion.
Attacking every other faith as Satans' is bad fruit in my opinion.
my brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'.
so,my question is what are the jw fruits?.
just asking....sincerely.
I was thinking 'the largest publisher in the world' was the best I could come up with,
one eye, freegirl and Johnny have the rotten fruit examples..
my brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'.
so,my question is what are the jw fruits?.
just asking....sincerely.
My brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'
So,my question is What are the JW fruits?
just asking....sincerely