Well,.. we are all entitled to our opinions, I am honestly trying to, but I just don't follow your logic. Being written in one gospel isn't good enough? Do you think that it must be written in other gospels to be legit? What about the all other passages that were not repeated in other gospels? I mean, the bible says Jesus did lots of other stuff that never made it to the gospels, right?
Also your point about Jesus building, or Jesus having HIS church built,or he will build as a way out of this explicit proof text is just a bunch of nonsense. Do you actually believe that? That Jesus did not intend to have HIS church.
There WAS a church [in the making] for hundreds of years before the bible, right? I believe that Jesus DID start a church and started building it on the apostles. The passage that refers to Peter as the rock that he will build his church on is the first corner of the foundation. A building needs a foundation to start. A church starts and is built as it goes along, like a building, no?