To deny that Jesus started a church to him self is a learned response. It is an attempt to deny what is clearly and explicitly written and historically traceable. Trying to use reason to explain why it doesn't mean what it actually says is an argument devoid of reason.
His church gave the world the bible centuries after his death and resurrection. He promised that his church would last all ages. He instructed his apostles HOW to set up HIS church. {Who would have a church to himself?} The church fathers all confirmed the deity of Christ and the sacraments [including the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist].
His church gave the world schools, colleges, laws of evidence, the scientific method, hospitals, shelters for battered women, homeless, mentally ill, the old and the poor. His church gave the world food banks and promoted human rights world wide. These fruits are also proof of HIS church as no other group or organization can lay claim to such a rich and full history.
Check the history and scriptures [without theocratic warfare]