Of course it isn't cotton,
but it is cottony soft
my dog and other pets do their "business" and run away and are happy.. man does not have that luxury.
any thoughts on why animals were created with the "poop and go" capacity while man has to go through more steps?
was this perhaps an additional issue that god added on when adam and eve sinned (such as eve having significant more birth pains)?
Of course it isn't cotton,
but it is cottony soft
"millions now living will never die.
" -1922. sorry rutherford but they did!.
"god's kingdom of 1000 years has aproached!
How about ' Should you believe in the Trinity?'
Not because I do or do not believe in the Trinity, but because they lied on all the facts.
Really? Effin lying for the 'truth; with quotes and facts that were outright lies.
That's why that publication has been discontinued, because of it's blatant dishonesty.
basically what the thread title says.. do you guys think the gb want the jw religion to fail?
of course failing in the ultimate sense is just not going to happen.
no matter how bankrupt they went, there is always going to be a percentage that holds on.. but downsizing the membership?
Or how about "Why are you looking forward to 2033?"
Some serious bible students are looking forward to 2033, Why? Because it is very obviously 2000 years after the death of Jesus. This works perfectly with Gods own timeline....yadda yadda yadda
basically what the thread title says.. do you guys think the gb want the jw religion to fail?
of course failing in the ultimate sense is just not going to happen.
no matter how bankrupt they went, there is always going to be a percentage that holds on.. but downsizing the membership?
What they need is a new battle cry like ....".MILLIONS LIVING NOW WILL NEVER DIE"
Now that;s a tag line that produces results
it is rather clear that the internet is to put it mildly, wrecking the world of the watchtower bible & tract society.
if not for foreign language i doubt there would be much growth at all.. digital trends and analytics are very real.
i live this analytics world i assure you to some degree you can take it to the bank.
Hadriel, I HOPE YOU'RE RIGHT! True enough that these days anyone can search anything almost instantly so it's easy to see that growth will slow in western civilizations. My hope is that this will help people who are still in[doctrinated]
I look forward to the day that my family members wake up. I think that the WTS strength lies more in their repetition of doctrine over proof that the doctrine is incorrect.
theburstbubble: just as a translation is it as accurate as they say it is?
or have they played with some of the verses to suit the beliefs?
just curious... i don't know why but i find it quite sad if the nwt is so misleading to support their own beliefs.
If the bible is a catholic book, how and why would they manipulate it? It's their book from the get go AND it came after their church was established orally.
Just curious
i'm sorry if i'm covering old ground here.
but is the nwt bible a credible translation of the scriptures?
i'm not asking if you believe in the bible or not.
Worth mentioning that no scholarly board, organization or university thinks enough of the NWT to even list it as a legit translation.
At least, that's my understanding
i'm sorry if i'm covering old ground here.
but is the nwt bible a credible translation of the scriptures?
i'm not asking if you believe in the bible or not.
In my opinion it is a very reliable version for the JW. It is in keeping with their theology.
It is not a good translation though. A translation is the translators interpretation of what the writer was trying to convey
A version is someones version of what they want to hear
NWT is a version, not a translation imho
just wondering, as i will be visiting active jw family in ohio in a few weeks, do you think it will be worthwhile dropping it into a conversation, about the wtbts pyramid near his grave, or try some other topic to try and wake them up.
i was never baptized and don't really care if they get upset or not, but it is only a day trip from ohio to pittsburgh, and thought it would be fun if they denied it, and then drove their to see it for ourselves.
I think that if a witness was having doubts, then the pyramid and other such nonsense would strike a cord, otherwise it is not a big deal. My brother and his family are kool-aid drinkers and NOTHING changes their perceptions.
Overwhelming biblical examples that explicitly counter WTS positions and teachings mean nothing. Examples of blatant lies and twisting of words and scriptures mean nothing. Even proof of the church fathers' teachings that prove that EVERYONE OF THEM believed Jesus was God in the flesh mean nothing.
One time only as my brother was rambling on about 'you know a tree by it's fruits' and I asked 'What fruits?" And he gave the standard line about going door to door restoring the true name of God, yaddayadda. And I informed him that these things are works, not fruits. He was perplexed for 2 days and when we spoke about the fruits again, he stated that works are fruits. How can you reason when you have no common sense and reasoning?
l thought this would be an interesting exercise to read the different responses.
my question is what makes you think your gods chosen medium?and prove it.
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed velocity of a winged sparrow?