That's aweful!
Posts by TTWSYF
Wills - A disgruntled father making a final point
by Listener inan unusual and amusing will was contested in an australian court a few years ago.the deceased man separated from his wife in 1959 and shortly after the wife was baptized as a jw.
in the following years their four children also got baptized.
apparently this enraged the deceased for the remainder of his life, who was himself a catholic.his will included two conditions that his four children were required to fulfill before they would qualify to receive their share of the inheritance.
Jehovahs Witnesses and Marijuana
by NikL ini live in california where pot just became legal for recreational use very similar to alcohol.
my wife who is a very active jw has had her medical card for cannabis for a couple of years now.
and i know several in our congregations around our area who are using it medically.
To me, this says that God says "smoke up Johnny"
New International Version
The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
New Living Translation
The land produced vegetation--all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.
English Standard Version
The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
New American Standard Bible
The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind; and God saw that it was good.
King James Bible
And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
The earth produced vegetation: seed-bearing plants according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. -
Arguing with Witnesses vs Trinitarians
by schnell ini have always been told as a jw that trinitarians, particularly baptists, are just the worst people to argue with out in service.
i have always been told it was the world with a veil over their eyes.
the hypocritical irony is that so many witnesses are completely stubborn and willing to believe in magic before they believe anything against their dogma.
Being confident about your position is fine, but the one who knows provable history will always win the trinity debate.
The plurality of the Jewish God according to the Hebrew scriptures is unassailable. The belief that the Savior would be God, himself, in the flesh has much explicit scriptural support.
Christmas is Coming!
by Drifting Away inso, this will be a time of much confusion.
being a born in, and wanting to celebrate my first christmas is confusing, nerve wracking, and difficult to comprehend.
how have others dealt with there first christmas after leaving?
It's a time when people make time to be available for visiting and making merry. I love Christmas, my kids, my family, my neighbors all love Christmas.
And like James Mixon wrote " Unlike most of you here I wasn't raised as a JW so I remember the joy of Xmas."..
If you read the bible w/out instruction, what would you think?
by TTWSYF inanyone reading [or did read] the bible without someone else telling you what it meant?.
would you be leaning towards the jws or baptists or lutherans or what?.
just asking.
Anyone reading [or did read] the bible without someone else telling you what it meant?
Would you be leaning towards the JWs or Baptists or Lutherans or what?
Just asking
Watchtower's "New Light" re Babylonish Captivity, November 2016 WT
by Room 215 inhas anyone noticed the wt's most recent shell-game revisionism in the november study tractazine, relating to the shifting of its "babylonish captivity" doctrine, from a 3 1/2-year period around the ww 1 years, to a period now spanning about 16 centuries, or from the 4th century (constantine's legal recognition of christianity) to 1919?.
Thanks Blondie!
Proverbs 4:18 "light gets brighter"
by stuckinarut2 inwe are all familiar with the classic use by the society of proverbs 4:18 about "light getting brighter".
they say it applies to revealed truth, and doctrinal changes etc.. have you ever just read that chapter (and even the surrounding chapters) in full??.
it has nothing to do with doctrinal changes or teachings.. it has to do with acquiring wisdom and life skills in order to live a successful life.
Ever read up on the teaching of the men of Sodom and Gomorrah?
That is most definitely not "light getting brighter"
It's more like 'clap on clap off'.......remember the clapper? Grandma would clap her hands twice to shut off or turn on her light.
JWs and nuetrality - Trump
by Listener infor those that are receiving messages of doom and gloom from jws, they might like to remind them about obedience to their organization and what they were told in the april, 2016 watchtower which was studied only a few months ago, in august.these are some of the highlights-.
although the bible teaches that god’s adversary, satan, has authority over political systems, it does not say that he directly controls each leader or official.
(luke 4:5, 6) we should therefore avoid implying that a particular official is controlled by the devil.
I thought anyone not a JW was under the power of Satan, no?
2016 death of my father who told me don't come back if your a Witness...still hurts my soul! Warning you all!!
by Witness 007 ini last spoke to my father in march 1990. we finished a "quick build" kingdom hall and i had a 17 year old spiritual awakening and decided to drop high school to pioneer full time.
(yes i was a dumb ass) he was not happy since my parents were divorced he was catholic.
we had a arguement and he said stay in school get a degree...and dont come back if your a witness!!
I'm sorry for your lose Witness!
You can still pray for your Dad. You can still honor your Dad by your choices and the paths of your life.
God bless you and yours!
Starting a 'Bible Study' - The Basics
by Joe Grundy ini never was a jw.
i was brought up in a fairly fundie sect (pb) and have been for many years an interested atheist.
i am an admirer of the work of bart ehrman (and recommend his blog).. from time to time, jws call at my door and invite me to partake in a 'bible study'.
Cold Steel- I respectfully disagree. The bible IS a catholic book.They did give it to the world. They compiled it, they confirmed which books that they wanted for their faith. They put it together, they defended it and kept it thru the eons. They did not add or take away books, they merely chose those books that they wanted to express their faith.
They had criteria that they used to identify what could and could not be used. IE, All books had to be well circulated among the faithful. They had to be old enough to be true as opposed to later books [hello-gospel of Mary, Judas and Peter to name a few]
So it really is common sense to seek out where it came from AND why it was written. It was written to put the catholic faith to paper as well as to the spoken word [which is how Christianity was spread for the first few hundred years.] The Catholics used the Septuagint as the old testament reference as that was the most common form of OT that was available to the masses that surrounded Judea. Many church fathers referenced the Septuagint. It was only later that other men thought that they knew better.
The Catholic church traces it's roots to Jesus himself AND his apostles. Traceable history. EVERY other form of Christianity traces it's origins to a man or woman [Hello Paster Russell]
Not meant to be snotty, if that's how it sounds. Just historical facts.