Believer- Still awaiting real fruits to the world from the JW society,.
I tend to think that you may not have any that you feel real good about.....
i bet most witnesses could not explain their blood policy, their understanding of the slave, and even simple biblical doctrines....they are an embarrassment to any old timer..
Believer- Still awaiting real fruits to the world from the JW society,.
I tend to think that you may not have any that you feel real good about.....
i bet most witnesses could not explain their blood policy, their understanding of the slave, and even simple biblical doctrines....they are an embarrassment to any old timer..
Live saving work. I've seen on this forum, even when someone bashes the religion they atleast admit the people of it are good.
You mean the going door to door with a catholic book and claiming it for themselves? You do realize that the bible is a catholic book confirmed by it's own bishops, in council, right?
What fruits. What shows the love?
i bet most witnesses could not explain their blood policy, their understanding of the slave, and even simple biblical doctrines....they are an embarrassment to any old timer..
Loveunihateexams The Bible says love everyone and so JW do. It does not matter who translated the name.
Can you give an example of this love that JWs have for the world? If the JW religion traces itself to Jesus and his apostles, then what are the JW fruits to the world? Things that you can point to and say "See, JWs prove their love for all people by ______" Or "Look at their fruits, they ____ and ___"
I've always wanted to know, but always am left with a lame brain explanation of nonsense.
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
I was always offended as a non JW attending any JW event to hear the reference of their faith as 'The Truth'.
Not because I had any reservations about my own faith in some kind of side by side comparison, but because I had also heard the term 'lying for the Truth' which was a reference to lying to promote " the Truth"
How can ANYONE call it "The Truth" when you are encouraged to LIE to promote it? [Lying for the Truth=theocratic warfare]
Oxymoron on steroids.
i heard my hard out jw sister say that for the 1st time in many years and i'm hearing more and more jw's saying that.
years ago when i was in they talked about the new system coming any minute..
Yes, I've heard that a lot from JWs still wanting to believe. I like to think that this is the beginning of cognitive reasoning. There is an admission of error, yet still a desire to follow in spite of the evidence. These people still need a little more help following common sense and reasoning to overcome their mind control imho
the wt march 2017, p.11, par.
13 quotes ephesians 4:8 as saying, "the bible refers to them as 'gifts in men.
however, the org's own kingdom interlinear translation (and every other bible translation) gives a truthful translation of the verse: .
I have access to other sites that have a comparison listing of many translations, but none with the RNWT. Does anybody know of one.
No Blondie, I do not know of any bible site that lists the NWT. The reason is obvious to most who have not been brainwashed from this cult.
Scholarly sources will never list the NWT or RNWT because as the OP stated, the WTBTS is a corrupted translation. Literally hundreds of erroneous translations, words added, words changed and linguistic rules and laws just ignored.
Yet the org will still proclaim to it's own that it is the most accurate translation available. The new testament is a collection of books compiled by the apostles of Jesus and their disciples confirming that the way to God is through Jesus Christ. The NWT and RNWT is a collection of the same books that have been altered to suggest that the way to God is through the WTS.
Both position cannot be right. that is why I feel that witnesses at the door, with bible in hand, representing the WTS are nothing short of 'wolves is sheeps clothing'
Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that is the TRUTH
so we were at another family members home for a random celebration when the nature channel showed a killer whale eating a seal and my sister in law was horrified.
we made a joke about the circle of life and i said something along the lines of 'everything that lives must die, the bible says every king must die, so even jesus wasn't immune'.
after that comment there was an awkward silence with our jw family whispering to each other about my comment of dying.. once upon a time i asked my uber elder jw brother if he thought that he would not die and he asked me if i knew when god would start armageddon.
Vidiot- I love that question!
If Adam could eat everything in the garden of Eden except from the forbidden tree, wasn't there some kind of death to the garden and it's inhabitants?
so we were at another family members home for a random celebration when the nature channel showed a killer whale eating a seal and my sister in law was horrified.
we made a joke about the circle of life and i said something along the lines of 'everything that lives must die, the bible says every king must die, so even jesus wasn't immune'.
after that comment there was an awkward silence with our jw family whispering to each other about my comment of dying.. once upon a time i asked my uber elder jw brother if he thought that he would not die and he asked me if i knew when god would start armageddon.
So we were at another family members home for a random celebration when the nature channel showed a killer whale eating a seal and my sister in law was horrified. We made a joke about the circle of life and I said something along the lines of 'everything that lives must die, the bible says every king must die, so even Jesus wasn't immune'.
After that comment there was an awkward silence with our JW family whispering to each other about my comment of dying.
Once upon a time I asked my uber elder JW brother if he thought that he would not die and he asked me if I knew when God would start Armageddon. I said 'no' and he said, 'then you really don't know do you?' I replied that no one knows....,
so , long story short, they believe they will not die.
Stupid effing cult!
an unusual and amusing will was contested in an australian court a few years ago.the deceased man separated from his wife in 1959 and shortly after the wife was baptized as a jw.
in the following years their four children also got baptized.
apparently this enraged the deceased for the remainder of his life, who was himself a catholic.his will included two conditions that his four children were required to fulfill before they would qualify to receive their share of the inheritance.
That's aweful!
i live in california where pot just became legal for recreational use very similar to alcohol.
my wife who is a very active jw has had her medical card for cannabis for a couple of years now.
and i know several in our congregations around our area who are using it medically.
To me, this says that God says "smoke up Johnny"
New International Version
The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
New Living Translation
The land produced vegetation--all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.
English Standard Version
The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
New American Standard Bible
The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind; and God saw that it was good.
King James Bible
And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
The earth produced vegetation: seed-bearing plants according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.