Simon Yes. Just because the bible contains some no-brainers doesn't make it inspired or negate all the crap that you conveniently gloss over. The bible allows slavery. Humans decided it was immoral. Therefore humans have better morals than 'god'.
Again, I couldn't disagree with you more. Knowing when a person is a parent is not so cut and dry in society is it? During Jesus time people would discard children who were compromised [physically, mentally or emotionally] and it was the first Christians who would pick them up from the side of the road and cared for them just because they were human beings. Those were the teachings of Jesus. Sure, HIS church is filled with great people and people who suck, so yes, there were predators just like there are everywhere, but the teachings are rock solid. Most of my problems are from other people, lol.
Ever see 300? In the beginning the King looked at his son to make sure he was perfect or he would chuck him over the cliff onto the pile of baby bones.
Same thing happens today with people getting tests done to see of their child has downs or some other syndrome. People today [YES] even abort children even based on sex, so I think history does not agree with your assessment of our civilized society.
The good things like foodbanks, homeless shelters, hospitals, universities, orphanages etc did not exist before Jesus's church gave them to the world. There is such a thing as a better choice because there is such a thing as truth.
Rocketman- I would [of course] be devastated if one of my daughters got raped. And I would not fault someone for choosing to abort such a pregnancy, however, what do you think would be the more noble or the better way? To abort your grandchild. Have no love what so ever for the part of the child that is your progeny? I have no idea what my daughters would do. I know what I'd want them to do. And that would be to make the better choice.
Like it or not, God created us to thrive when we face resistance. It could be building muscle by weight resistance, building brain power through reading and studying, even following through on commitments builds a stronger character. The same is true for sufferings. That builds spirituality perhaps and has a value. That's why we shouldn't want to support state sponsored killing and suicide, but it's all part of our evolved society?
I think so.