Thanks Champion I googled it myself in the end. Is that your son singing? loved his voice and love the music. Really wish I could be there with you all. Have a great time. My daughter and her band will make friends and send info.
my son's nicholas and lucas band is playing at the living room on ludlow street 12/21 at 8pm.
not sure if anyone lives in nyc but if you like catching new artists please join us.
a few exjw i am friends with will be there.
Thanks Champion I googled it myself in the end. Is that your son singing? loved his voice and love the music. Really wish I could be there with you all. Have a great time. My daughter and her band will make friends and send info.
finally, i get an answer.. that's a relief.. doctor hopes medication and diet will be sufficient.. i hope so, too.. syl.
you poor thing I didn't know you were so poorly Syl, that ginger tip sounds good, I really hope it works for you.
Sending get well wishes and [[[[[[[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]]]]]]]
my son's nicholas and lucas band is playing at the living room on ludlow street 12/21 at 8pm.
not sure if anyone lives in nyc but if you like catching new artists please join us.
a few exjw i am friends with will be there.
High Champion That is great news if I lived near I would love to have joined you all to support and see your sons band. If he was a JW well it shows there is life after the watchtower.
My daughter is in a band and is lead singer, so know how important support is. Can you make the link to his music easier it won't work for me.
Good luck and wishing them success and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too
boy she didn't know what she was walking into.
it was a wealthy (she drove a lexus and was very well dressed) middle aged woman with a younger girl.
she used the typical line this time of year asking if i knew where the origins of christmas came from.
most people are fully aware of many elements of christmas being pagan. The tree to most folks is simply a seasonal decoration at this miserable time of year. I do not see anyone bowing down before it and offering incense or sacrifice any more than JW's worshipping pictures of their family in their home. but what i do see is people putting there hand in their pocket and giving of their time to the poor whether or not they are religious. Christains understand more than most of the paradox of christmas and they recognise the Lord was not born on this date but use this time of year to highlight how important Christs birth was for all and to glorify his birth as the heavenly Angels did. yes his birth was celebrated and announced by Angels. Luk 2:8-15.
JW's do not want to celebrate anything to do with Jesus ,they do not even celebrate the Lords last supper but observe some pagan ritual of passing the bread and wine without partaking, very occultist. and why we are on the subject of paganism and idolatry, who set those old guys up to be worshipped at bethel, not me.
ren/debator the constant references to this fine work is probably bringing more publicity then ray could have possibly dreamed of, carry on plugging away..
That is so true Justin, I hadn't read CoC or any other book, over the years in the organisation my hubby and I were having doubts and many concerns over policies, procedures, and their teachings, their reasonings and constant changes that did not make sense. The governing body tapering down all new light and direction, coming from them and leaving out even their own brothers in Christ , were ringing giant bells with us.
We were working this out ourselves with personal study of the Bible, when we came on to the forum and read the apologists reasonings and the flawed debates as you say it just confirmed that we were right to have doubts and made us research further and deeper. We have only recently read CoC but we did not need the book to come to the conclusions that we have.
In fact apologists end up waking up themselves.
ok i was raised in the "truth" but no one ever studied with me.
my parents were abusive and i got nothing from them or anyone in the "truth" no bible study any attention nothing from anyone.. i read the great teacher book to myself at the age of seven, and when i was in my mid teens i started studying on my own with no help from anyone nor any answers my questions expect to be rebuked if i asked the wrong question so i quit asking it was god's chosen religion after all who was i to question anything.
i conducted the sort of study and this elder looked at me and said where is your head covering.
LITS please check your PMs
well because i knew the questions would be the same on saturday as they were friday i was even more prepared.
my mom has this pattern of repeating the same questions over and over again...she will leave it for a few hours & then she will cycle them over again, but then ask more detail.. so saturday she calls me before i leave for home and now she is backpedalling her story.
she tells me that the elder's never said that they were going to disfellowship me, they just were counseling her that she should no longer be associating with me because i am bad association and have been seen with "him" (again with the him) and that his car has been seen parked there all the time.
Yes well done they cant stop you looking after your mum, you are handling it excellently, you are a good loving daughter and she should be proud of you for being there for her. Shame on them if they try to stop you. I hope your mum sees through and see how unloving this reasoning is.
Even if you were disfellowshipped they should not interfere with you looking after your mother. Stand your ground.
GO GO Girl RosePetal
in my introductory post i told about the jws that have been visiting me at my sil's request.
at first i spoke with them for her sake, then found i liked them anyway.
what i didn't like was the literature, especially the stuff trying to disprove evolution.
I think it is wrong to assume that someone who is older in years or has a disability or illness cannot cope with waking up to the falseness of the watchtower. There are many on this board older in years and are now helping others to see it. Also there is life after the watchtower, I was born in to the JW belief and spent most of my life believing and trying to recruit others. I have not lost my faith in God or his promises just because I am no longer a JW. I did not leave until my fifties.
It doesn't matter what age we are, we can make choices, I would not like to think that if I was an elderly person that could not make a choice and be shown the falseness of the watchtower organisation. They are not children. Recently Rick Feron was telling us about the annual meeting they have for ex.JW's I was struck by how many older in years were there giving testimonies, and speaking out to help others.
i couldn't put it down!
very informative.
i agreed with it all.
I have personally known of brothers and sisters being disfellowshipped for much less than your sins Botz. and some of them very young. It's also luck of the draw which congregation you are in and the body of elders.
We have only recently read CoC wish we had read that book when it was first published, we would have woken up sooner and left the org. we were too afraid to read it, if only more JW's could read this book and not let fear stop them.
buying christmas gifts!
i decided to participate in the salvation army angel tree program where you buy stuff on kids' wishlists.
i spent the day in and out of stores trying to find cute things.. i felt really "normal," for probably the first time ever..
Thats how we felt last year, it was great to fill shoe boxes with gifts of toys and sweets for children in the third world, and we sent gifts to our local womens refuge our Church are involved in and other various charities. The Church also arranged for acts of kindess. We will be doing the same this year.