Factfinder!: Spot on answer. The Trinitarian arguments spin on about a dozen scriptures... poorly transliterated and adulterated by unscrupulous Scribes of the "Established" church. It is pure heresy!
The ONLY scripture I have locked horns with in tireless hours of trying to reason with such people is found in: John 20:28
Is the Exclamation of Thomas in the Nominative or the Vocative???
Apart from this one Scripture and the poor transliteration into English of the other Scriptures... the overwhelming evidence shows a Jesus, as the first born or pre-eminent one of Creation... who, was subject to his Father prior to his Earthly existence, during his Earthly existence, and after his resurrection.
It really is quite simple.... Trinitarians have blinded the Faithful for centuries with a Doctrine that is the equivalent of "The King in his All Together"... it's a Mystery they lamely proclaim.
Nonsense! Jesus is the Son of God, to the Glory of God the Father. Christians are one in union with him, as they and he are with our Heavenly Father!
Crystal Clear!