Thank you for the warmth of your greetings Aligot, Cofty and Stillwondering. One of the reasons I have looked in and never signed up to any of these forums, is the deviation that takes place from the thread started.
I must agree with jookbeard here. It has been my experience that these "Reachout" trusts do little more than stir up old contentions in doctrinal matters. Many former JW's, myself included, are tired of this murky and sinister posturing.
In recent times I questioned the knowledge of a so-called ex-jw who had formed an Evangelical Reachout Trust in Craven Arms in Shropshire. When I tried to get him to stay on the doctrinal point, I was amazed at his LACK of real knowledge on JW teaching on the matter. His presentations spun off with allegations and false assumptions to the point that it actually reinforced my understanding of the subject as taught in WT literature. (For the record only this was the difference between PAROUSIA and ERKHEMEMNON.. sorry haven't got my Greek lexicon with me.)
It will be interesting to hear another presentation from those who maintain their need for a "God Slot" but I have yet to see or hear one that doesn't eventually descend into a true Evangelical v Pentecostal Cat Fight. We wait with baited breath.
Meanwhile my encouragement to all former JW's here would be: Be like the honey bee, extract the good out of all you visit.. and as I said before, try in some way to turn your lemon into lemonaid. That is what brought me back from the brink of despair and suicide.
For those of us/you who retain a spirituality.. draw close to God and Christ in your personal relationship.. strengthen your OWN conscience before them. Try to channel your Frozen Anger into a power for good. IMHO.