Wobble: Thanks matey. I have posted my response to the research you have posted on the thread started by VM44, (cf: Mill Hill 4 - prayer). The subject material seems to be wandering here just a bit.
Jookbeard: I agree with your sentiments entirely. Fancy a beer sometime with a few others here? It took me two decades to pluck up the courage to join in a discussion group like this. Your comments and that of Quillsky (Ms. Toblerone LOL) are very perseptive. I left for numerous reasons but it was THEY who altered the doctrine I accepted when I submitted to baptism - not me. That is why I do not consider myself an apostate, hold no fixed affiliation, and refuse to be labelled or God slotted.
As I noted before the style of Mr Brown is typically in the Pentecostal/Evangelical arena. They ripped our wonderful Full Gospel congregation apart and invaded it with Tongues and Healings, frightening off the majority of the members! It was his sort that made me look further and turn to the calm logic of the JW's.
Mr Brown comes over with blathering histrionics and represents a subset of religious psychosis known as COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.
In my search for reason in the jumble of my own departure I believe I have come across Mr Price - I believe, and will stand corrected, he heads up an Evangelical Outreach Group in Craven Arms Shropshire. If so, I was astounded that a man who claims to be 2nd/3rd generation trained knew so little about what JW's ACTUALLY TAUGHT on his given subject. (In that case it was the Presence and the Coming of Christ). When I gave him the book references to correct the assertions in his recording, he never came back.
Similarly, an American "Born Again" Christian who claimed to be an exJW, got his facts about Cornelius wrong and tried to justify setting up faith camps for orphaned Iraqi kids after his fellow believers had just helped liquify their parents in the name of George Bush and Jesus Christ!!! When I asked him if Cornelius would obey instructions to put his brothers and sisters to the sword in a Roman Arena, he went off line.
I have my doubts too. Really, please, can we hear more on the subject of the Mill Hill 4.
Finally, I would like to pass a tongue in cheek comment to BorgHater. Take it from a former Pentecostal, if you think the JW's have hijacked our minds you have seen nothing yet.
Perhaps Mr Brown and his colleagues should redub themselves: THE HEROGENS..... be careful ( to quote 7 of 9) they don't have your intestines for a trophy (and your testicles as earrings).
No doubt Mr Brown will have something to say on that too.