I really appreciate you sharing your story with us and what worked for you in waking up.
My spouse has one foot in the cult and one foot out. I decided to keep mum on all topics religion because its too sensitive a subject for us both as born ins and almost always leaves to arguments. I resolved in my heart that he would have to come to his own conclusions about the wt and my stance has somewhat worked. He see's the lack of real love in the congregation and the constant hamster wheel lifestyle of it all. He hasnt been to a meeting for close to two months now and ignores all elder calls. He's been getting close with a 'wordly couple' we have become good friends with and its broadening his viewpoint on alot of things. Just hoping one day he will finally cut the wt cord for good and leave it behind like I have.
Sorry for the long post. I enjoy reading experiences from fellow exjws who are still struggling with a spouse still in. Im glad you saw the real light.
Best wishes to both you and your hubby on your new life together outside of wt.