As someone who was raised a JW and is generally conservative/ leans "right" in my political beliefs, I never thought I'd say this but I actually support the legalization of at the very least medicinal cannabis. It strikes me as absolutely absurd that "man" would outlaw a naturally occurring plant that was likely in existence before man was. All these other prescription drugs have side effects - many of them very dangerous. The government and companies have zero issue with legalizing, producing and prescribing drugs for depression that could for instance make you want to commit suicide. It's crazy. Now, I don't use cannabis. I tried one hit about a dozen years ago and nothing happened. However, I have researched it for business purposes. The landscape of the medicinal market is changing and I think eventually there will be opportunity there.
That said, check out these forums:
Tell your husband that the little burn in the back of his throat could have been caused by the grower not flushing the roots of his plants with water to get the nutrients he had fed them out of their system. It shouldn't bite like that in the back of the throat. Also if it happens to pop at all when it's lit, that can signal that there are still chemical nutrients present in the bud. He'd also probably benefit from consumption via a vaporizer vs. smoking it. Much healthier. You'll also find recipes on the above forums for cooking with it.
Again, I'm just very well read. I promise. Hope he finds some relief.