Big Brother is here. Censorship has been brought to bear on the companion thread, Where are the masculine men. I'm outta here. L8TA
JoinedPosts by 4skins
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins insome months ago i took my annual vacation to the land of kangaroos--you know--where men are men and sheep are skittish?
as a social commentator i have a vested interest observing cultural changes and trends, etc.
in the professions and trades in oz the genders dress as androgynous as their counterparts in the us.
Where are the Masculine Men?
by teenyuck infourskin started a battle of the sexes with his "where are the feminine women" thread.
i am wondering about men.
he has a muscle car, however, he has no muscle definition.
I was wondering when you guys would get around to the socialist/WTS machination of controlling discussion. Censorship is here on this thread. Now, you don't have to contend with any facts and insults can be unidirectional. And that's okay too.
"Citizen, Can I See Your I.D.?" by Al...
by sf inal martin is america's foremost whistleblower on government fraud and corruption.
a retired us navy lt. commander and former officer in the office of naval intelligence, he has testified before congress (the kerry committee and the alexander committee) regarding iran-contra.
al martin is the author of "the conspirators: secrets of an iran contra insider" (2001, national liberty press, $19.95; toll free order line: 1-866-317-1390) he lives at an undisclosed location, since the criminals named in his book have been returned to national power and prominence.
Hi sf,
I can buy into hidden agendas and I've read a little Al Martin. What is your take on where the world is heading?
So-called Bible Scholars........
by hillary_step init is not a difficult thing to do to criticize wts literature, however i found this comment in a recent wt very enlightening as it seems to explain the unscholarly nature of much of what they produce.
it also is an object lesson on how to manipulate a conditioned group of people by the use of 'trigger words'.
i have highlighted these expressions, which are deliberately used by writing, as we have previously discussed to 'encourage' the readers to adopt a patently flawed line of reasoning.
"Some of them try to fix a distinct audience...", is a machination the WTS employs. Remember the argument about "the kingdom is in your misdst"? The WTS fixed a distinct audience for its conclusion. But is there any difference in the education or mind conditioning of the general society? The WTS is practising what the world practises. To me, it all reeks of orwellianism and totalitarian thought reform.
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins insome months ago i took my annual vacation to the land of kangaroos--you know--where men are men and sheep are skittish?
as a social commentator i have a vested interest observing cultural changes and trends, etc.
in the professions and trades in oz the genders dress as androgynous as their counterparts in the us.
Hi Hillary_Step, I suppose you've got a point if it was a genteel world. As it ,masculinity can represent things sweaty, smelly and vulgar as the masculinized females here have so well demonstrated.
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins insome months ago i took my annual vacation to the land of kangaroos--you know--where men are men and sheep are skittish?
as a social commentator i have a vested interest observing cultural changes and trends, etc.
in the professions and trades in oz the genders dress as androgynous as their counterparts in the us.
Hi Mr Mustache; You're definitely better looking than me in a world of ugly. The advantage I have is that I know I'm ugly---you're yet to get there. And Toe Jam--maybe you're best suited for the homosexual debates; you're variety of 'hairy' might be good for butt-smooching and pickle sniffing.
What you females androgyns here have yet to comprehend may have been summed up in Perry's post; a female's strength is in her femininity, not in her competition with men which results in female masculinization and defeat.
Where are the Masculine Men?
by teenyuck infourskin started a battle of the sexes with his "where are the feminine women" thread.
i am wondering about men.
he has a muscle car, however, he has no muscle definition.
Hey there puffsrule, did you write this highly creative piece peeing against a skid row urinal? Where are the masculine men? You'll have to eat your panty liners---I'm not attracted to masculinized females like yourself. Besides, how could you recognize a masculine man on your daytime job as a grave-digger for early-death, testosterone-engorged feminists?
The Demon of Saskatchewan
by RunningMan inlast week, i came across an unusual tidbit of jw folklore that i had all but forgotten.
after a brief discussion of provincial politics with my mother, she made the comment (regarding our provincial premier) that every time a government is elected, satan appoints a demon to oversee and direct it.. now, i'm not sure if this is unique to jws, but the idea is based on the following scripture:.
"but the prince of the kingdom of persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for i had been left there with the kings of persia.
Residents of the US White House have long been known to have discussions with dead presidents. Adolf Hitler claimed to have spoken face to face with his "green man". And adventurere, Cecil Rhodes after retuning to South Africa from Britian where he committed his wealth to a secret Anglophile agenda was scared wittless when he met his "green man".
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins insome months ago i took my annual vacation to the land of kangaroos--you know--where men are men and sheep are skittish?
as a social commentator i have a vested interest observing cultural changes and trends, etc.
in the professions and trades in oz the genders dress as androgynous as their counterparts in the us.
There seems to be some consensus between researchers that rape is a recurring feature in male/female fantasy.
Hey Moe--is that short for "mustache"? Sure you give a rat's ass about my opinion otherwise you wouldn't bother to post and demonstrate my claim that 'western females have abandoned their femininity'. And that's okay by me--you're borderline ugly and not accountable to me.
And wasasister---it's 8 days after birth, not 8 days after posting here!
I think you females have adequately demonstrated your preference to live mouthy, unfeminine or masculine identities. You must recognize by now that it's a turn-off for many men.
I'll tell you a story. I have a buddy: he's a married guy with kids. He's the sole breadwinner and his wife loves to be a homemaker. His wife is extremely feminine; his two teenage daughters are like their mother--very feminine. When they were in the jaydubs they were the object of much hostility, mainly from the females. I didn't understand that hostility because they were the nicest family, hospitable, sociable, generous and have a great sense of humor. When they went out females,especially ,would crane their necks to gawk at my friend's wife and daughters. Invariably these females had scowls on their faces just like the females in the Hall. Why? The androgynized females were simply exhibiting jealousy or envy toward these very feminine women. Displays of femininity disturbed those androgynized females just like it disturbs you androgyns here.
Now guys, experiment with this. Next time you take your female androgyn out on a date, she replete with tattoos, tee shirt, jeans and maybe chewing tabbacco, watch what happens when a feminine-looking woman enters the room. Your androgyn will quite likely crane her neck around, give the feminine-looking woman the once-over, then grimace. In that brief moment you'll see her envy. All is not lost girls! It is possible to reclaim your lost or abandoned femininity.
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins insome months ago i took my annual vacation to the land of kangaroos--you know--where men are men and sheep are skittish?
as a social commentator i have a vested interest observing cultural changes and trends, etc.
in the professions and trades in oz the genders dress as androgynous as their counterparts in the us.
Well alchemist, I've never considered the possiblitiy that teejay and I might be related to you. Is it possible that we were triplets with different fathers? My real name is C.O.Jones.
To the main issue! From all these posts and photographs I have yet to detect a feminine woman. I know most women entertain fantasies of being raped and men entertain raping. These fantasies can be fulfilled in the beroom with consenting partners, of course. In reality, these fantasies might be pointing to a fundamental difference between men and women--women need to be dominated and subconsciously seek this in a man. However, I think the females here need to seperate their fantasies of being feminine with the fact that they are not.
What sort of man would want to be seen in public with a 'dog' (an androgynous female) that looks like him hanging on his arm? And women wonder why men don't want to marry 'dogs'. Teejay's observation is sound--women essentially, or at least subconsciously, search for a man that has the cojones to dominate her.
Guys have to understand this:- women know they are bitches; they can't help it because that's just the way they are. Furthermore, they demand to be treated as such. And for the man who will not understand this most basic principle, women willfully make his life miserable.
Stay tuned, there's more!