JoinedPosts by anonread
Phone Login for Sunday's Meeting
by anonread indoes anyone have a phone login?
i'd like to record sunday's meeting about disfellowshipping.
Sundays Watchtower Study Jan 11th 2015
by anonread indid anyone go to meeting sunday?
i'm curious about how the 'we must be holy' watchtower went and what the comments were like, especially in regards to disfellowshipped family members.
Sundays Watchtower Study Jan 11th 2015
by anonread indid anyone go to meeting sunday?
i'm curious about how the 'we must be holy' watchtower went and what the comments were like, especially in regards to disfellowshipped family members.
Is your religion a cult?
by anonread inis your religion a cult? an ex-mormon friend of mine made this based on steve hassan's book, combating cult mind control.
oh, and you can send it to your family, tell them it was made by an ex-mormon to show that mormons are a cult.
Is your religion a cult? An ex-Mormon friend of mine made this based on Steve Hassan's book, Combating Cult Mind Control. Oh, and you can send it to your family, tell them it was made by an ex-Mormon to show that Mormons are a cult.
Jehovah's Witnesses never claimed to be Prophets
by anonread in
Merriam Websters defins a prophet as 1: one who utters divinely inspired revelations: as a often capitalized : the writer of one of the prophetic books of the Bible b capitalized : one regarded by a group of followers as the final authoritative revealer of God's will <Muhammad, theProphet of Allah> 2 : one gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight; especially : an inspired poet 3 : one who foretells future events
Jehovah's Witnesses never claimed to be Prophets
by anonread in
Claim: Jehovah's Witnesses never claimed to be prophets.
Answer: You don't get to choose what word describes your actions. A prophet is someone who predicts the future. The Jehovah's Witnesses can't say they are not prophets any more then someone who has written many computer programs can't say they are not programmers because they never claimed to be a computer programmer. -
Jehovah's Witnesses never claimed to be Prophets
by anonread in
Serving where the need is great, in Utah.
by jam ina nice visit with my daughter and her family yesterday, (jw,s).. she told me next month they will be serving in utah for four.
days because the need is great.
have anyone here had experiences.
New Light Video
by cantleave injust had this sent to me .
"Scripture can be likened to a lamp which illuminates the truth.
It's mission is to shed the light of truth. When a brighter light
appears, the mission of the old one fades. Today's religions have
failed to lead the present generation out of the dark valley of
death into the radiance of life, so there must now come a new
truth that can shed a new light." Divine Principle, p.10. Sun Moon
Rev Sun Myung Moon teaches that the Bible alone is not enough,
that you need the "new light" offered by Moon's organization. Though he claims
to revere the Bible, members are told that the group leaders are the
only ones who can correctly interpret scripture. As a result, members
spend their time reading literature written by the group supplemented
by little pieces of the Bible.
Here is a documentary on the Moonies
; -
Try again...DC 2010 Discourse 48
by JWFreak in
just uploaded page 2...not 1 or 3 as they are of no interest.. this talk is only given by gb members or branch committee members.
Re: Yknot about Franz's Baptism
I found that really weird when you mentioned that, so I looked it up. Looks like the article you quoted was from Franz’s memory. The society must have gotten their date from an article written after his death (ideal time to make shit up… after someone is dead) "Rewarded With the Crown of Life", The Watchtower, March 15, 1993, page 31, 32 It says in that article that he was baptized Nov 30 th 1913. And the one in 5/1/87 that you quoted is actually from Franz himself where he says he was baptized in 1914… Apparently he was wrong about his own baptism, a fact that could only be changed after his death where he couldn’t say anything about it.