Move far enough away, or farther, that driving is not convenient.
The confusion will lessen when the input you don't want to hear stops.
i really needed to find a place to write this as i don't believe i can talk with anyone else about my account, perhaps it is similar to a lot of yours.. last night for whatever reason i said i would go online and look up information on jws.
i have been raised as a jw all my life and baptized the last few years.
i looked at and and couldn't believe how easily the whole of my lifes teachings were refuted.. i can't stop my brain from running, bs just in regards to theology alone (1914, paradise earth, celebrations etc.
Move far enough away, or farther, that driving is not convenient.
The confusion will lessen when the input you don't want to hear stops.
i really needed to find a place to write this as i don't believe i can talk with anyone else about my account, perhaps it is similar to a lot of yours.. last night for whatever reason i said i would go online and look up information on jws.
i have been raised as a jw all my life and baptized the last few years.
i looked at and and couldn't believe how easily the whole of my lifes teachings were refuted.. i can't stop my brain from running, bs just in regards to theology alone (1914, paradise earth, celebrations etc.
Do you mind stating how old you are ?
so i gather most of the people on this forum are ex-jws who have seen the error of their ways.. good for you guys.. would that put you in the unique position of knowing exactly how to make a current jw have doubts.. if so, how might that be?.
i've tried science, philosophy, even simple logic and pointing out the quote mining but to no avail.. i'm not even saying there isn't a god, just that their version of the story blatantly contradicts emperical science in so many ways..
I have never come up with a way into the followers mind.
I'm sure the key into the mind would be to make them think, that unfortunately is want is most tightly controlled by the WBATS. Everything the WBATS hasn't told the follower is probably the key.
That's only a guess
An educated JW is called an Ex JW
i have been in a world of pain this weekend.. some of you know the ongoing battle i have had with my ex wife, an uber dub hypocrite, over seeing my kids more.
3 weeks ago i managed to secure an agreement from her that provided my 13 yr old daughter friday night to sunday afternoons and for my 16 yr old son to have friday night to sat afternoon with the option to extend it to sunday if he so desires.
this is each second weekend.. first due weekend visit she rearranged the days so that she was technically pre agreement start date.
Making the children aware of the agreement is a great idea.
Them knowing the rules between you and the ex will allow them see how she's using them to manipulate.
BTW you didn't hurt your children, you educated them
i really needed to find a place to write this as i don't believe i can talk with anyone else about my account, perhaps it is similar to a lot of yours.. last night for whatever reason i said i would go online and look up information on jws.
i have been raised as a jw all my life and baptized the last few years.
i looked at and and couldn't believe how easily the whole of my lifes teachings were refuted.. i can't stop my brain from running, bs just in regards to theology alone (1914, paradise earth, celebrations etc.
You have not stated how old you are so I'll say this with out that knowledge.
I was 17 years old when I left home. The only reason I left was to get away from the WBATS. I knew in my heart that something was wrong but I had no idea what it was. It was several years later before I began to understand what a cult was.
In hind sight I wish I'd joined a branch of the military as a means to get away and learn something, I tossed the idea around then and really wish I'd joined the Coast Guard. (I really like the ocean).
What I'm getting to is, if you were to take that step you'd be in a completely new environment, you have zero chance of being harassed by any zealots and you'd have a few years to deprogram and gain some confidence.
I realize you have been told all your life that that the military is part of the evil of this's not.
You mentioned relationships you may have missed out on, they worst one you've missed is the one with yourself, until you are free of "The Borg" you don't exist. That is who'll you'll find when you leave.
while looking up whether jw nurses are allowed to administer blood transfusions i found this little gem from.
watchtower 15th november 1964 page 681 .
''the use of blood in adhesives for manufacturing plywood and other commonly used materials has now come to the attention of christians, and we use plywood as an example.. much plywood is made using blood glue, but some plywood is blood-free.. a christian purchaser or contractor may seek to obtain blood-free plywood if he can do so; however, if he decides to use all types of plywood, it must be left to his conscience.
I had not heard of this aversion to wood products before now, too funny.
When I was a little kid I remember my stupid JW mother having a fit because she had found out there was a chance that Junior Mints could have blood in them. We were banned from eating those.
i had never heard of this before - i wonder if it would work?
south african women may be issued with anti-rape condoms ahead of the football world cup.
This device is a fantastic idea. I number of rapes is Africa is insane. It is statistically near 1 in 2 chance of being raped.
Some men believe having sex with a virgin will cure AIDS
The device embeds into the mans skin and can only be removed by surgery.
im sure the question has been brought up before on this board and i imagine that for many of us the answer is patent.
however, i recently saw a documentary on pbs regarding the mormons and it stated categorically that the church of jesus christ of latter day saints is not a cult.
given that it has its own set of strangeness and history of revision as has the wtbts, could it also (the jw) be considered a main stream, although minor religion?.
The WBATS is absolutely a cult as is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
The LDS has best been described as the Scientology of it's day and it really is.
LDS and WBATS are brothers
what's a really good movie you'd recommend that most people probably haven't seen?.
my personal recommendation: synecdoche, new york.
it's one of those movies that words fail utterly to capture--which really is the hallmark of a good movie, i suppose.
Idle Hands is popular in this house
And Killer Tomatoes is a must see
i did this today.
last night, the pretty little weather girl stated there would "be heavy rain marked by occasional thunderstorms.
" i thought to myself, great, hopefully its so bad when i awaken, anybody originally planning on going out, will just stay home.
You have certainly taken a step in the right direction.
I remember as a kid dreading the freakish characters I'd have to put up with at the "hall" The guy with the really bad garlic breath, the hippies that had just joined but hadn't found the modern miracle of deodorant.
The people you mentioned are in every "hall" every where.
One of my dad's better friends was this idiot that ran from the latest killer of the day and he did it everyday it seemed. Someone said red food dye was bad and he's flipping out over it for days. He finds out caffeine is bad and he switches to de-cafe he finds out de-caf is bad for you and .......hell I don't know what he switched to. AnyWho to get to the point the freak never missed a meeting or a chance to educate everyone.
I do not miss a single person from the Kingdom Hall I was raised in.