So I got a hankering to go to church. I waffle between being an atheist, being angry with god, and liking Jesus, and wishing my perception of god and religion hadn't been so tainted by the evil WTS.
My grandma was Methodist before becoming a JW, so I lean toward going to a Methodist church when I get the urge to go.
The service was nice, about being a "called Christian" as opposed to just being called a Christian. It was a nice service. There was singing, and I sang along, the songs were joyful, praises to god and Jesus.
So the last time I was in a church I still had some WT influence that kept me from taking communion. I decided I would take it today. Even though I do not really consider myself a Christian anymore, I feel like all the time when I was a JW I should have been partaking because I considered myself a Christian.
So I got in line to go to the front of the church to receive the bread and the wine. I took the piece of what appeared to be a marble rye (leavened bread!), and turned to the Reverend to drink the wine. There was a brief awkward moment when I tried to wrest the wine goblet from the Reverend to drink the wine, he kindly told me I was supposed to dip the bread in the wine.
I think I will go to the KH for the Memorial this year. This time I will participate.