It use to be my 'message' tone XD
And the same voice use to do this one:
It went off in my Music class and people started laughing XD
It use to be my 'message' tone XD
And the same voice use to do this one:
It went off in my Music class and people started laughing XD
many former jehovah's witnesses are now coming forward and reporting of traumatizing events when they were young witnesses, that have left them emotionally chalenged and scarred.. crying babies only weeks old are taken in the back room of the kingdom hall and spanked, many young jw's are severely beaten with belts, rulers, wooden spoons ect.. the physical abuse in the organization is extreme and excessive...... but it does not stop there.. when a jw youth is disfellowshipped the emotional damage can be very dangerous even pushing many to commit suicide.. one of our guests on the six screens of the watchtower conference call sat.
nov 5, 2011 at7:pm edt is a former jw named shane who was disfellowshipped at age 16 and has been suffering for many years since then.. .
our second guest is former jw joe hewitt the author of the new book rescuing slaves of the watchtower.. .
many former jehovah's witnesses are now coming forward and reporting of traumatizing events when they were young witnesses, that have left them emotionally chalenged and scarred.. crying babies only weeks old are taken in the back room of the kingdom hall and spanked, many young jw's are severely beaten with belts, rulers, wooden spoons ect.. the physical abuse in the organization is extreme and excessive...... but it does not stop there.. when a jw youth is disfellowshipped the emotional damage can be very dangerous even pushing many to commit suicide.. one of our guests on the six screens of the watchtower conference call sat.
nov 5, 2011 at7:pm edt is a former jw named shane who was disfellowshipped at age 16 and has been suffering for many years since then.. .
our second guest is former jw joe hewitt the author of the new book rescuing slaves of the watchtower.. .
I have to agree with Shelby here. AGuest. I may not have scars from the whole Jw thing, well not as 'deep,' but I DO have scars that are beyond my full comprehension right now. I have been through so much abuse it's not even funny. My spirit WAS crushed. When I personally read it, it enticed me to open it , yes, but at the same time that was only because the despair in me lingers to be enticed. I have been through a lot of abuse, and my demons have not left me. My father was very abusive, and though Jw's didn't hurt as much as what he did...i can definately relate to the 'emotional scars.'
I came from a dysfunctional family. My mom, which represented 'god' to all little children, was being beaten repeatedly over and over again almost on a daily basis for th elongest time. There was no love, and the affection was disgusting (sexual). Although a part of me wants to compare to the whole 'my abuse was ten times worse than yours' BS, I want to be clear that abuse is abuse either way. I still feel like a 5 year old child, and those that know me, when they see pictures of me are shocked to see me as a 'grown man' ...when my emails SCREAM 5 year old child trying to recover or whatever. And trying to prove how my pain isn't as big as yours, or vice versa is nothing but a depreication of our emotional pains without realization of it's enslavement of us.
I don't have the basic coping skills that I see othe people have. My emotional centers are so inflamed that I can't possible get grasp on them. I went through 47 states of the USA trying to find something, and that something was love, healing, whatever. I've gone through marjuana, speed, mushrooms, alcohol and LSD trying to find some sort of relief from the scars that prick and scream. And i still havn't gotten any. Although on LSD I received empathy, sympathy, and destruction of the ego that destroyed the filters of deceptive voices so I can 'see' clearly. Probably the best, and most dangerous, drug i've taken that has elimited, for a short time, the pain and removed the filter of voices that distort the truth of reality. But that only lasted a day. Once it was out of my system, I was back to my same shitty self.
I have gone through girls trying and begging for a relationship trying to find 'love' that will ultimately heal. I am brain washed by Hollywood and all that bullshit that scream that once you find your 'true love' you'll be healed, and LOVE will come to you and you will become happy. I'm aware that consciously that's not true, but it's like a program that has total control over me that leads me astray.
The perpetual cycle of confusion, frustration, anger, emptiness, feeling lost is just one aspect of the turmoil me and others like me, whether jw or nonjw abused individuals can feel. But the despair is only fed with the concept of 'it will never heal' .....and has continually fueled this unending scar. The truth is buried deeply in the heart, which is not really truth but can only be seen as truth due to it's repetitive reinforcement as it emerge out of the depts of the subconscious when elicited by any or all situations alike that threaten and attack. And that truth, which is a lie, states 'It will never heal and you will always have this with you......forever.....and ever.' And again, though consciously i'm aware that it is possible to be 'healed'... when thrown into tha tmentality, it only but reinforces the 'never will heal' aspect, which is stronger. And that's not counting the suicide thought process.
I am a slave to my mind. When perpetuated with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is unmerciful. And it's not until it STOPS on it's OWN that I receive some relief, but the damage is already done.
Believe you me, 'it never heals' or 'never will heal' is the singing anthom of people like me that just gets reinforced of how much it is 'true,'/lie.
And reinforcing not helping me, or people like me.
There is one good thing about me..I can be funny as hell.
a song for all of us ... you are not alone ... we love you ... .
another day has gone.
you never said goodbye.
I like Michael Jackson's other 'What about us' song too. Thanks for the share
has anyone read this book?
a marginal jew: rethinking the historical jesus .
"meier (religion/catholic univ.
You know, My butt's brown but it exists...but you've never seen I guess it doesn't exist. *gasp* OH MY GOD I HAVE AN INVISIBLE BOOTY! i guess i'm the FIRST!...Well maybe first human with invisible butt... but then again you havn't seen that (invisible butt) either! GASP! i SO have/don't have an ASS right now.
"but I know you have a butt because I have a butt and 99.99% of the world has a butt"
well...i havn't seen that either i guess you and they don't.
p.s. I'm know what i could go for.....................some logic.
it was omaha steak salesman.
i am home alone with the doors open.
they would not take no for an answer.... they made me feel uncomfortable!!.
Next time say: "hold on one second, i'll brb" and go into your room and wear this
look him STRAIGHT in the face and tell him you have PLENTY of beef as you can see. Offer him to come in and laugh hysterically like there's a midget in the room cracking jokes and offer him CaprieSun to drink in a pouch. He'll put you on a 'do not call' list of all Beef tenders.
i had not seen them in my neighborhood in at least 4 years.
i ddn't go to the door.
i avoid them when at all possible.
I always hope they come to my door. I like the idea of talking to them about certain scriptural aspects. But the problem is the moment they find out you're df'd, you get put in the pile of 'SATAN'S MOST PRECIOUS SOLIDER' catagory and they run like hell and ignore everything whether logical/truthful/reasonable thing said to them.
P.s. I should start out with 'oh my brother's a circut overseer!' and maybe they'll just think i'm the worldly 'black sheep' instead of asking.
Alright I learned something today. You can't hit 'enter' after the subject line, cause it will post your post and not be able to change it.
Aliens definately exist, in my opinion. Now what we see on youtube and all that crap might be FAKE. People might be messing around and making FAKE videos and false alien masks situations. 'ALIEN OUTSIDE MY BEDROOM!' etc.. But I do believe they exist. How this fits into the grand sceme of things. Well I can see the spirit form as well as the physical manifestation form of spirit beings. Their purpose? you got me.