Alright.....i've had some alcohol.....and i'm not drunk..but slightly buzzed... and i've caved into my guilty secret... I hate to say it.....I really DO, adn most of you wont understand this....but.......I just want to say......Cradle of Filth is a great awesome band. It's like Scream-o, death, gothic metalness that pieces and connects so much for me. i havn't heard them since 2006,'s my guilty secret.....
JoinedPosts by Voices
So whats your guilty secret?
by Voices inalright.....i've had some alcohol.....and i'm not drunk..but slightly buzzed... and i've caved into my guilty secret... i hate to say it.....i really do, adn most of you wont understand this....but.......i just want to say......cradle of filth is a great awesome band.
it's like scream-o, death, gothic metalness that pieces and connects so much for me.
i havn't heard them since 2006,'s my guilty secret...... .
I Received the "Call" - Praise JAH!
by AGuest inand so it's back to work... on monday, jan. 9th!
for those of you who rejoice with me (the greatest of love and peace to you!)...
i am just a tad saddened.
Seriously......i had no idea what was going on! lol
A Question About Genesis 5:1-3
by Voices ini have a couple of questions about this scripture.. .
1)why wasn't cain mentioned as his first son?
i can't justify 'because he was evil' or some other irrelavent reason.
Philadelphia Ponos:
" This is the record 1 of the family line 2 of Adam . [So CAIN should be mentioned here, whether Israel or not. Why?'ll see]
When God created humankind , 3 he made them 4 in the likeness of God . 5:2 He created them male and female ; when they were created , he blessed them and named them “humankind .”[NOT JUST ISRAEL, Cain was human wasn't he? Unless he was not from Adam's lineage...and from the Advesary and Eve] 5
5:3 When 6 Adam had lived 130 years he fathered a son in his own likeness , according to his image , and he named him Seth ."
if this was the FIRST son of Adam's lineage, in his OWN image and that to say that Cain and Able were NOT in his own image and likeness? Then Who's image were they in?
A Question About Genesis 5:1-3
by Voices ini have a couple of questions about this scripture.. .
1)why wasn't cain mentioned as his first son?
i can't justify 'because he was evil' or some other irrelavent reason.
i'm confused
A Question About Genesis 5:1-3
by Voices ini have a couple of questions about this scripture.. .
1)why wasn't cain mentioned as his first son?
i can't justify 'because he was evil' or some other irrelavent reason.
Darth, thank you for showing me that, and yes I did watch it, but that's not what i'm trying to address...
Jude 14 states that Enoch was the SEVENTH of adam's lineage...
7) Enoch
1) Adam
Jude 1:14 says Enoch was 7th in "descent BEGINNING WITH Adam"............where the fuck is Cain? and Able? It says in Genesis that Adam was 130 years old when he gave birth to SETH...his son in 'HIS own Image'......the image of ADAM. NOT GOD. So i'm wondering..even if Adam had martial relations with Eve...that doesn't necessarily mean...Cain was the first born of Adam's seed. Infact, it makes MORE sense that Cain was NOT included because He was part of the Seed of the advesary...and Able was murdered and therefore not included in the 'lineage.'
Now i'm not trying to create a BAD name for Cain ...BUT, I am curious as hell why there's an omission here.
I do know that in Genesis 4:1 it says that the man had sex with his wife and gave birth to cain and then able his brother. Now what i'm wondering it possible that they were twins? Heteropaternal Superfecundation? Where one father was one Child (advesary ...Cain) and then the Second was fathered by another (adam...Able)? That would also explain why Cain wasn't part of Adam's lineage? and Able...well his lineage died because well yeah...we know waht happened there.
A Question About Genesis 5:1-3
by Voices ini have a couple of questions about this scripture.. .
1)why wasn't cain mentioned as his first son?
i can't justify 'because he was evil' or some other irrelavent reason.
Well let me make another assertion:
Is it possible that Cain was conceived through the advesary? I point to the gospel of philip:
"He who has been created is beautiful, but you would <not> find his sons noble creations. If he were not created, but begotten, you would find that his seed was noble. But now he was created (and) he begot. What nobility is this? First, adultery came into being, afterward murder. And he was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the Serpent. So he became a murderer, just like his father, and he killed his brother. Indeed, every act of sexual intercourse which has occurred between those unlike one another is adultery."
and then adam had sex with eve? and Able was born? but because Able was murdered...thats why we were from adam's image? through seth? Which explains why he isn't mentioned in the lineage? It would also explain why there's an enmity between the two different types of 'seeds' ...? I mean it IS possible for a women to conceive TWO offsprings from two different men. I mean it doesn't say 'adam knew his wife AGAIN ' and then she bore able. It's almost as if they were twins...but from different fathers. i'm just throwing this out htere to see what happens
Mr. Me
A Question About Genesis 5:1-3
by Voices ini have a couple of questions about this scripture.. .
1)why wasn't cain mentioned as his first son?
i can't justify 'because he was evil' or some other irrelavent reason.
I have a couple of questions about this scripture.
1)Why wasn't Cain mentioned as his first son? I can't justify 'because he was evil' or some other irrelavent reason. IF he came from Adam...he should've been included, even if not counted among the heritage that lead to Christ etc
2)If we came in the image of Adam ...meaning SETH's heritage.. why was there even then is Cain not mentioned?
What is the real meaning behind the prophecy between the advesary that said 'enmity between your seed and her seed' ...Who was the women speaking of here Eve or Jerusalem above? ...or both with it's 'double meaning' ...who /what is/was the seed?
Has anyone ever worked for a Home Health Agency service Sales position? Home Health Care Account Executive?
by Voices ini'm being offered this position that's 50k a year, which would be a termendious raise from my current nursing profession and i'm very interested, but also very timid and nervous.
i have a pretty solid job right now, which a schedule that works 7-3 day shift.
i pretty much am living pay check to paycheck worrying about makin grent etc.. because of all the financial obligations.
Thank you. I cut my, past-shoulder-length-long-beautiful-brad-Pit-interview-with-a-vampire-hair for the job adn didn't even get an interview =( oh well..
Has anyone ever worked for a Home Health Agency service Sales position? Home Health Care Account Executive?
by Voices ini'm being offered this position that's 50k a year, which would be a termendious raise from my current nursing profession and i'm very interested, but also very timid and nervous.
i have a pretty solid job right now, which a schedule that works 7-3 day shift.
i pretty much am living pay check to paycheck worrying about makin grent etc.. because of all the financial obligations.
I didn't get the job......nor did I even get an interview. I was told that they will call the recruiter..and then reschedule... (this was a friday)...then on monday i called the recruiter, and she said 'they made an offer to someone earlier in the morning already'
Damn you auto correct!
by tec inokay, someone linked me to these sometime last year, and i laughed so hard.
they are soooo bad!
just thought i'd post a link, for anyone who needs some dumb adolescent humor and a good laugh :).
That's not as bad as my history teacher in 9th grade, who apparently forgot to put the 'L' in public [affairs] on the chalk board.