All valid points although I think their future survival has less to do with teachings and more about control of their members.
Who are the new members? Most new baptisms are children or family members. So to survive they need for their members to continue to have children and for these to be coerced into committing their lives to the cause.
The WBTS and JW's in general have always been very negative about having children. Quite a foolish strategy. This is where they need to change - get the average number of kids in the KH to increase and they have potential new members.
Those indoctrinated don't care about the intricacies of what the beliefs are and we know the WTBS can try and justify any belief...evidently.
They have more recently been promoting family life (family study night) so possibly going down that route? Might we soon see positive articles on the joys of parenthood?
Generation Y and generation X testing their faith and researching on the internet is a time bomb and huge threat to the WBTS. It needs to bring many more members in to offset the large numbers fading. It's all about getting them while they're young and ensuring a large enough supply of these children.