@serenity. That is exactly how I feel being trapped on the bus myself. Just like a twilight zone episode.
imagine boarding a bus with your family for a long anticipated vacation.
the destination is a place that is promised to be beautiful warm and sunny.
as you are boarding the bus you are given a ticket stub with several paragraph's of fine print.
@serenity. That is exactly how I feel being trapped on the bus myself. Just like a twilight zone episode.
imagine boarding a bus with your family for a long anticipated vacation.
the destination is a place that is promised to be beautiful warm and sunny.
as you are boarding the bus you are given a ticket stub with several paragraph's of fine print.
Thanks for the feedback. Please share with anyone you want.
imagine boarding a bus with your family for a long anticipated vacation.
the destination is a place that is promised to be beautiful warm and sunny.
as you are boarding the bus you are given a ticket stub with several paragraph's of fine print.
Imagine boarding a bus with your family for a long anticipated vacation. The destination is a place that is promised to be beautiful warm and sunny. As you are boarding the bus you are given a ticket stub with several paragraph's of fine print. Thinking nothing of it you stuff it in your pocket and find your seat on the bus. As you sit down you notice that all of the windows on the bus have been blacked out. The inside is lit with rows of florescent lights.
The bus is full of friendly excited people who are looking forward to the same vacation. There is a palpable sense of joy as the bus pulls away from the curb. Many people on the bus are pleasant people with their children, who are along for the holiday. Your wife and children join in an impromptu sing along to pass the time.
Reaching into the seat back pocket you find the on board magazine that the Corporation publishes. It contains articles about the resort and promotional material about the corporation.
The bus stops several times and picks up a few more excited families who are on their way to the vacation resort. Dinner time approaches and the crew delivers the meal consisting of a single slice of toasted white bread. Unusual you think, but you eat it anyway thinking of the buffet that awaits you at the resort.
Minutes stretch into hours and day turns to night. The bus continues on. You begin to hear mumblings from some of the passengers as to how long the bus had been on the road without a stop. The Driver ignores the mumblings and presses his way into the darkness.
Daylight breaks and it becomes clear that the bus is continuing to motor along with no sign of stopping. The drivers have changed sometime during the night. The passengers mood has changed from exuberance and anticipation to somberness and fearfulness. The crew delivers the morning meal which is again a slice of dry white toast.
You try to scratch against the window to see where you are, to no avail. You become alarmed because now this “short trip” has now become very long. Reaching into your pocket you find your ticket stub which has the following printed on it in very small type.
Welcome to Paradise Vacation Tours.
We are glad that you have chosen Paradise Vacation Tours as your transport to your unforgettable vacation. Paradise Vacation Tours is the only Tour company of its kind. You will not receive a better experience anywhere else. You will notice that the windows are darkened for your protection and security.
By purchasing your tick et and boarding the bus you hereby agree to the following terms:
No one is permitted to leave the bus at any time for any reason. The only way you will be permitted off of the bus is if the crew removes you for disorderly conduct which includes any of the following:
Asking the bus driver questions about the route
Questioning the length of the trip
Speaking negatively to your fellow passengers
Failing to speak positively about the Paradise Vacation Corporation or Staff
Reading any other material other than is provided by the Corporation.
Refusing the on board meals specially prepared for this trip
Asking to leave the bus.
We reserve the right to change course at any time for any reason. Due to our state of the art Navigation system the trip is for an unknown duration.
We appreciate your patience and consideration. Thank you for choosing the most trustworthy transportation company in the world.
Alarmed now, you lean over and whisper to the elderly man sitting next to you. “How long do you think the trip will be?”
The old man looks at you with sadness in his eyes and whispers back, “ I boarded the bus in 1974”. “I thought it was a short trip to the resort and have been here ever since. I am am afraid to leave because I wonder where will I go once I get off of the bus? for all I know we might be in the desert or in an inner city full of crime. Plus, Paradise R esort has got to be close I keep thinking. I mean, I am at least a million miles closer than I was then”
Shocked, you turn to the window that is blacked out and look out at the world that you know is out there but hidden. The bus rolls on with yet another change of driver. The corporate magazine sneers at you as it displays a picture of a happy family in a mountain meadow.
The bus continues to roll on into the distance. The years pass and you become the old man.-
If you were in this situation, would you decide to leave the bus? Even if your family decided to stay on board?
How long would you ride before you decided to get off of the bus?
What does the fine print say about the corporation?
What type of corporation would advertise a trip to paradise and not deliver?
Many of us now realize that we are trapped within the “bus” of the Watchtower organization. We know that the promises that we have been given in the pages of the Watchtower and Awake have not materialized. We watch year after year, and mile after mile pass with no sign that we are close to our destination or that the drivers or leaders have any clue where they are going. The "spiritual food" that is served at each meeting and assembly is the same exact stuff that had been presented for years. It is as dry as white toast.
There are many that we see among our local congregations who have been patiently waiting for many years for something that will not happen. Just like the old man on the bus they feel that they have so much time invested that it makes no sense to leave at this point in time. They say "where else will I go?"
The actions of the Society have proved the “Corporation” to be corrupt. We are threatened with punishment if we question the direction of the Society. Simply put we are trapped. The bus will never stop. The passengers will change as time progresses but the destination to nowhere remains the same.
Which is better, to put faith in an organization that has NEVER delivered on its promises, or to take that chance and live your life in a moral way outside of the “protection” of the organization?
The Watchtower organization wants you to stay on the bus. They need your obedience, your effort, your time, and your life.
hello folks,.
i feel like a fish who has been struggling for oxygen so long he's almost dead.
time to grow some legs and get the hell out of hell.
Thanks for posting DTW!
Welcome you will find a lot of people who share your sentiments about the GB.
hey i'm wondering if anyone can give some good advice on how to step down in the safest way.. i have served as an ms for a number of years, but can't do it anymore.
i know too much i want to fade in the future when i get some family things straightened out.
i can't move right now so that's out unfortunately.. what should i tell the body?
Did the COBOE have you say a concluding prayer? That is usually the unspoken sign that a brother resigned instead of being removed.
for me it was many things.
most concerned certain teachings that invloved genders, children, sex, sexuality and sexual orientations, disfellowshipping, apostates, blood, rape, and few other things, as well as the jw's unloving attitude toward so many people..
I know I commented earlier, but in a simple sentence...
Being forced by the threat of banishment and shunning to pretend to believe something I knew to be false.
for me it was many things.
most concerned certain teachings that invloved genders, children, sex, sexuality and sexual orientations, disfellowshipping, apostates, blood, rape, and few other things, as well as the jw's unloving attitude toward so many people..
Being an Elder and realizing that the things that I was supposed to teach didn't make sense from a logical or a scriptural sense. Realizing that I had to pretend I wholeheartedly believed it all until the Governing Body changed their minds.
Speaking to the legal dept about a molestation case and seeing that the Branch just wanted to cover their ass instead of protecting the congregation.
it is a pleasure to read some of the topics posted in this forum.
finally i decided to register.
i have now the certainty that when i am sitting down at the kh listening to teachings i do not accept i am not alone in this world, maybe thousands feel the same way.
Welcome to the Board. You are definitely not alone! There are a lot of really good people on this Board who are in the same position as yourself.
the lack of intellectually stimulating material within the jw religion right now is astounding.
there is clearly a lack of spiritually dense material and a surplus of ridiculous, childish babble.
the regular "food" that jws are being fed is illustratively equivalent to pureed baby food.
Yes Brother Massey, "Soundness of mind" is important in all areas of our dress and grooming.
"I desire all to adorn themselves with modesty and soundness of mind" not only applies to our dear sisters and their choice of jewelry and hair styles, but by extension to brothers and the way they tie their shoes. It has been noted that some of our brothers have followed the world's faddish manner of double tying their shoe laces thus drawing undue attention to their feet. This might seem like a small matter, but as faithful servants, we want to always keep in mind the words of Jesus, ' He who is faithful in least will also be faithful in much". Rather than relying on the world's faddish styles to keep our feet protected, we should always keep our feet shod with the good news.
if you are an elder or an ex-elder please add a comment.
i hope that the governing body will see this.
it is too bad it has to be on an anonymous forum.
Welcome to the Board Mr. Dark Knight.
I think that there are many of us in the same position. I know that this letter has been sent to Bethel in a few forms. I hope that it catches the attention of some sincere ones there. I think that I can see cracks start to appear in the organizational leadership. Many people who are still Witnesses are recognizing the fact that the Governing Body is a sham. I believe that there is another Ray Franz currently serving on the Body. If there is an honest man still in a leadership position I encourage him to stand up for what is right and expose the fraud within the organization.