00 DAD, Welcome to the Board!,
You make some good points. I think we all have to work out our own process for leaving the organization. Some like LWT cross the bridge and blow it up behind them, others like myself fade away and take a gentler way out that takes much more time.
I guess we all have to at some point ask ourselves, "How upset can we be with the GB for pretending to be something they aren't, if we don't have the courage of our convictions to be real ourselves?" Put another way, if it is fear of reprisal that keeps so many of us "keeping up a pretence" then maybe we can understand the dilemma of the GB brothers. If we are afraid, they must be TERRIFIED!
I think this is somewhat true. However the few who are active elders are looking for a way out of the organization. The GB it seems is looking for a way to continue to retain their power. Motivation is the difference. The GB puts on a pretence to continue to mislead people and force them to stay devoted to the unique body of lies that make up the Organizational doctrine. The ones like myself and others reluctantly put on a pretence to preserve relationships with our families. Plus why would the GB have to fear reprisal? They have the ability to change policy and doctrine at a whim and force other witnesses to believe that it was actually God's decision. They are steering the sinking ship. The rest of us are simply trapped passengers looking for a way to leave with our families.
Welcome- it sounds like you will bring a lot to the discussion.