This is a bs rule. Some venues have designated spaces for strollers at the back of the auditorium. As long as the stroller doesn't block any exit path or exit itself it should be ok. This is a sore subject with me. I have been to a boat show in the same arena as the convention. I had a delightful time rolling my kid around in the stroller. No problems then. I know some children's groups like the wiggles have played the venue, and I saw a picture of the many people with kids and strollers then.
The reason this makes me angry is the dillholes in Brooklyn making these stupid ass rules have never had to cart a cooler, a bookbag' and a three year old 1/2 mile from the parking garage to the center. Pricks.
Also there is the new rule that all delegates should come to the hotel to check in wearing their meeting clothes and badges. So this means that I have to get off work on Thursday, go home put a suit on make sure my wife and kid are dressed and then drive 4 hours to the convention city hotel. Just to check in! Again it is a classic case of dipshits who have never had to work secularly or have kids to take care of, making stupid ass rules. They sure are following Jesus example of making the "load light".
Can you tell this makes me mad?