Thanks again for all your welcomes.
That is exellent, I think I'll send her a card and tell her that thank you.
just had an anniversay card from my a friend who wrote on it "may jehovah be with you and return you to his flock.".
it has made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.
why is it bothering me so much?.
Thanks again for all your welcomes.
That is exellent, I think I'll send her a card and tell her that thank you.
what is your opinion?
bizarro minimus..... .
They have no power over you, so don't give them power by letting them get on the platform and announce your name.
If they hound you just tell them they have NO power OR authority over you and to leave you alone. As long as there is no announcement you still keep your familY.
All the best
just had an anniversay card from my a friend who wrote on it "may jehovah be with you and return you to his flock.".
it has made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.
why is it bothering me so much?.
Thanks again for the welcome.
Basically they all believed that Christ died for all and that we are no longer under the condemnation of sin or no longer slaves to sin.
The elder that lived with us was disfellowshipped on the basis of the following 2 scriptures.
Romans 6:6 NL 'Our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.' Sorry haven't got my NWT, it's in the garage hee hee.
The other one was 2Cor 5: 14,15 Christ died for all...... all died with Christ.
He believes that this applies to all which of course the Watchtower does not. They apply it to 144,000.
Four brothers were disfellowshipped. Oddly their wives were not....even though they all attended the JC's and all confirmed that they believed the same as their husbands.
When me and my husband were approached after a sunday meeting and taken into the dreaded back room, they accused us of having a vicious, vile apostate in our home and were we aware of how dangerous he was. Knowing this man as we did I think that was the moment when we realised we'd had enough of their aggression (we have experienced it so many times before).
The elder that was with us had left Bethel a few months previous due to ill health. They knew he had no where to go and that he was very ill but that wasn't their problem was it (tongue in cheek). After he left they started the witch hunt against him and the others who were still at Bethel. When they had enough against them they were all 'invited' to a judicial committe. The rest is history.
just had an anniversay card from my a friend who wrote on it "may jehovah be with you and return you to his flock.".
it has made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.
why is it bothering me so much?.
Superpunk lol.
Do you know I checked my post and title several times and still didn't pick up on the missing 'n'.
just had an anniversay card from my a friend who wrote on it "may jehovah be with you and return you to his flock.".
it has made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.
why is it bothering me so much?.
Yeah I know Paulapollos. Last I heard he was doing ok and at Uni. He's getting on with his life like all the rest are. Good for them.
just had an anniversay card from my a friend who wrote on it "may jehovah be with you and return you to his flock.".
it has made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.
why is it bothering me so much?.
Thanks for the welcome. I've been lurking here since last year, just before we did a 'runner' from the Org.
We never bothered with a fade. The last meeting we attended was the memorial 2009 and it was a horrible experience. It had just come to the elders attention that we had a disfellowshipped elder living with us. He had been at Bethel in the Mill Hill congregation and was one of those booted out for apostacy last year.
We then moved 90 miles away and they don't know where we live, well as long as my friend doesn't grass us up lol.
just had an anniversay card from my a friend who wrote on it "may jehovah be with you and return you to his flock.".
it has made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.
why is it bothering me so much?.
Just had an anniversay card from my a friend who wrote on it "May Jehovah be with you and return you to his flock."
It has made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach. Why is it bothering me so much?
I want to text her back and say "I am still in God's flock, I never left. If I have left God's flock then I am in Satan's world and therefore satanic.
I just left an organisation that that is loveless and built on lies." I feel so sick right now
can anyone tell me how long the jw homestudy lasts.
we are already going on a year and a half, and thank god i have not been converted yet.
i am sick of hearing their version of the bible.
Hi Wiser, I answered a knock on my door once... I then went on to lose 27 years of my life.
As a family we left last year and couldn't be happier, although we have all struggled coming to terms with finding the truth about the truth.
We felt this then like this then this happened then our hearts went from this to this
It hasn't been an easy journey for us but at least you have come to realise they do not have the truth, they do not have freedom. There is only freedom in Christ.
i have been reading the bible for the first time in my life.
what my viewpoint on it is not the issue.
i am shocked as to the things i have been reading.
Wow Booby why would you say such a thing to AGuest.
i have been reading the bible for the first time in my life.
what my viewpoint on it is not the issue.
i am shocked as to the things i have been reading.
Hi Aguest,
there is one thing I'm struggling to understand and that is why some will not have their names written in the Lamb's book.
In 24a You state that the ones in the Lambs book have sinned but have them covered, yet in
24b You state some will not be in that book, because even though their sins are minimal they have no covering for them
Why is this, why are some chosen to have their names in the Lambs book while others do not, even though they have ALL sinned?
Thanks in advance x