I just wanted to follow-up on Leolaia's comments by saying your knowledge of this subject is very impressive. Thanks for contributing to this thread. I hated it when people pretend to be in the know, and I certainly don't claim to know a lot about this subject, which is why one might say I decided to float a "trial balloon" on this site. It's interesting and thought provoking to see it dodged stray bullets until you, Leolaia, it a bullseye, and I tip my hat to you.
Although I have a good BS detector and can often spot what is patently wrong (the stake teaching, which I'm sure would cause Russell to turn in his grave) I lack the scholarly background to know why it's wrong. Is the founder of a religion that claims to be "the one true religion" that emerged after a dark age -- yet has no inspiration on its so-called "faithful slave" roots or lineage through that dark age -- be "inspired" by God to glorify the Cross on its Zion's Watch Tower cover and then mysteriously discover "whoops, big mistake... but don't get us wrong, doesn't mean we're not still the true religion, and to prove it we won't even posthumously disfellowship our founder for apostasy but acknowledge his place with the 144,000 in Heaven instead"? I dunno.