Why didn't mighty Jesus just write a book himself so this multiple story hodge podge of magic and lies we have today wouldn't confuse people? That would be the real question.
Why do you think that a book written by Him would not have been abused and used to mislead people same as the one that we do have?
Christ is spirit... He is alive... and He does speak. He did not need to write a book to leave people... because He teaches them as the Spirit.
"My sheep hear my voice..."
I know this is not a popular sentiment around here (or in most places with most people). But it is true nonetheless and it is what IS written. For those who have trouble with this being possible though or with hearing in the first place.. there are also written accounts to help them learn about Christ and at some point, hopefully, to come to Him. The bible being a witness (or a comilation of many witnesses) that points TO Christ. I think it was Vander who once said that at some point you have to stop reading the menu and start eating. (I probably botched that, sorry)
But at some point, you have to stop reading about someone... and go TO that someone... as even He is written as having said.
"You search the scriptures because you think that by them you have eternal life. These are the scriptures that witness to me... yet you refuse to come to ME to have life."
God is spirit; Christ is spirit... and speak as spiritual beings to the spirit that we also are on the inside.
If he wrote a book, men would look to that... walking by sight rather than by faith... and still not listen so as to be able to heed Him when He calls, when He teaches, when He directs. Because they never learned, never tried, never allowed themselves to be trained. Plus, a book - something that is not alive and is unable to speak - cannot replace a living speaking being.
I do not mean to cause you any angst, but only to respond to the question that you asked.
Peace to you,