"ambulance"...yeah right....we all know that's just an empty van on the inside!
just like everything else with the WTS....they put up good appearances to be something of value on the outside, but once you look inside there's just NOTHING THERE.
i never heard of it nor ever saw such a picture before.
let's see who can come up with the funniest caption for one of these photos:.
"ambulance"...yeah right....we all know that's just an empty van on the inside!
just like everything else with the WTS....they put up good appearances to be something of value on the outside, but once you look inside there's just NOTHING THERE.
i'm sure topics like this have already come up but they tend to get hilarious with the absolute absurdity that goes on in the kh.
i was once counseled for not shaving after two days.
i was also counseled by a sister for eating lucky charms cereal.
i had elders mention to me in passing on several occassions that i shouldn't wear flip flops to the meetings....lol I told them that sisters in places like north carolina and california did all the time....they said "well we're not in (insert state), now are we?"
also, i signed up to do seldom worked territory....you know how that works, they plan for that a good while in advance....well the elders waited until literally TWO DAYS before going to tell me that I was being refused the "privilege" because my hair was too short. (they also refused my request to auxiliary pioneer that same month, even tho the month was already HALFWAY over. I was making the hours and putting in the work and they waited until i was halfway through to tell me I couldn't do it) Without directly saying the word "lesbian" they strongly insinuated that having my hair that short was presenting myself like one (a lesbian) to the community. They told me that since my hair was not "exemplary" i could not participate in "exemplary" privileges. I was extremely humble at first and said ok and that i would grow my hair out and that i understood...blah blah blah. Then, after having billions of compliments on my hair all the time and after having all the elders wives come up to me after every meeting and literally telling me "oh i love your hair! I wish i could get away with that!" I got super pissed and said f*ck it and stopped attempting to grow my hair out. Besides...at what point would my hair have been long enough?? They sure as hell weren't going to say anything to me about when it was ok. I grew it out for a month (my hair grows fast) and they didn't say a single word about it being an improvement. I think that might have been one of the turning points for me toward just not giving a shit anymore what they thought.
ha...i'd love to see the looks on their faces now that I actually AM a lesbian.....LOL
in your face, assholes.
my mother was very strict about entertainment.
in school i was doing a project about teen suicide and had checked out some books on suicide and abortion.
i had alot of explaining to do for that.
oh man...i think we have all experienced the stupidity of this....a couple examples from my youth:
i grew up only really being allowed to listen to the easy listening station on the radio....but when i finally did discover music that appealed to my maturing ages (mostly rock/alternative styles like Bush, Live, Alanis Morissette, etc), my friend let me have a bunch of cut-outs of famous musicians that she had saved from magazines and such.....I decided to put them on the back of my bedroom door in a collage style, just to express my interest in music. The only way to see the collage was if you were in my room with the door closed, otherwise it faced a wall and was hidden. (I actually planned it that way because I knew my dad would have thrown a hissy fit if I tried to put it up on a wall or something) WELL. my dad barged in my room one day, as he usually did, but closed the door behind him, which allowed him to actually see my collage. He took one look at the poster of Bush, which had song titles of the album listed...saw that one of the song titles was "everything zen" and immediately yelled at me that i had to get rid of all of it and that it was idol worship blah blah blah....i had to tear them down and throw away my awesome collage :( my friend felt so bad for me that she actually bought me a teddy bear and gave me a card that said in it: here's something your dad can't make you throw away. How sad is that!? (I still have that teddy bear to this day heehee)
Another gem: when i was in my late teens...probably about 18 or 19, I had taken out a Missy Elliott cd from the library cuz I was wanting to hear a particular song that I heard on the radio and wasn't sure what the song was called or what album it was on, so I just got whatever the library had. I kept it in my car because it had a "parental advisory" label on it (which of course I was banned from having ANY cd with that label on it). Now listen to how crazy this is: I had put the cd in the little side pocked of my car door....with the advisory FACING the door...so the only way to even know what it was or see the label was to pull it out on purpose and look at it. My dad had to move my car one day. Tell me WHY i got into my car after that and found the cd lying on my passenger seat with a post-it note on it that said "Nice choice". WTF! He totally snooped in my car and wrote some ridiculous passive-aggressive note about me making bad choices in entertainment! SO DUMB.
but yeah....umm....looottsss of tv shows were banned in my house...roseanne, threes company...of course southpark and beavis and butthead...ummmm my parents didn't like the fact that we watched the show Friends either, but oddly enough....toward the end of the shows' term they actually began watching all the new episodes WITH us and loving it! LOL! Oh wow, i totally just had a glimpse of a memory....I think...oh wow I think they even banned us from watching Cheers with them until we reached a certain age! ha! I just remember being excited when they would actually let us stay up late enough to watch one of their "adult" sticoms with them. LOL
OH and i remember one time austin powers came on TELEVISION....not even cable (which means it would be super edited)...and my dad told me to leave the living room (the MAIN room of the house that you can't really avoid unless you're downstairs or in your bedroom) because i shouldn't watch it. YET he sat there and watched it himself. Hypocrite much? The stupidest part is that (and he knew this too) I had ALREADY SEEN IT BEFORE. But he still felt that it was too inappropriate for a near 20 year old to watch. WTF? LOL
man...i'm sure i could come up with a bunch more hilarious stupidity if i thought about it enough, but i'll quit while i'm ahead lol
i didn't want to hijack highdose's thread because i apparently went off on a rant when attempting to simply comment, so i thought i'd start my own thread.
this has been something that has just recently become more apparent in my thinking and bugs the crap outta me!:.
if it is a universal fact that god exists and can read people's hearts.....then why is there the statement that only jw's and those "ignorant" of jw teachings will live?.
so true guys...so true!!!
man were we ever livin under a rock!
i think it's fair to say that witnesses' beliefs are often odd.
how they come to a "biblical" conclusion is often unreasonable and far fetched!.
please list some ideas and views that jehovah's witnesses have that are unusual or weird..
i think it's strange that organ transplants are ok, but blood transfusions are not. I just recently awoke to this one....i find it hard to believe that a harvested heart from a recently living human wouldn't still have a fraction of blood left pumping in it somewhere...i mean they don't stick a hose in those things and squeeze em to rinse em out, now do they??? wouldn't that also then have to rule out heart transplants from being ok? they have a list of PARTS of blood that are ok, but a heart transplant would have small amounts of the complete blood make-up in it.....shouldn't they come out with a friggin Awake article on this??? outlaw the blood, then outlaw the blood pump!
/rant lol apparently i'm feelin feisty today
i didn't want to hijack highdose's thread because i apparently went off on a rant when attempting to simply comment, so i thought i'd start my own thread.
this has been something that has just recently become more apparent in my thinking and bugs the crap outta me!:.
if it is a universal fact that god exists and can read people's hearts.....then why is there the statement that only jw's and those "ignorant" of jw teachings will live?.
OH! and also!
THe paradox of "free will"...what's up with that!?
God gives man free will, but man can only use it to serve God or God destroys man. HOW IS THAT FREE WILL!? "Sure, you have the right to choose ANNNNYTHING you want to do, human! (but if you choose to live independantly me i'm gonna have to kill you....sorry! them's the breaks!)".....some "god"!
i didn't want to hijack highdose's thread because i apparently went off on a rant when attempting to simply comment, so i thought i'd start my own thread.
this has been something that has just recently become more apparent in my thinking and bugs the crap outta me!:.
if it is a universal fact that god exists and can read people's hearts.....then why is there the statement that only jw's and those "ignorant" of jw teachings will live?.
I didn't want to hijack highdose's thread because I apparently went off on a rant when attempting to simply comment, so I thought I'd start my own thread. This has been something that has just recently become more apparent in my thinking and bugs the CRAP outta me!:
If it is a universal fact that God exists and can read people's hearts.....then why is there the statement that only JW's and those "ignorant" of JW teachings will live?
As someone who has left "the truth" and find it more and more repulsingly filled with lies....I still have a desire to be harmonious with a greater being (as I do believe one exists, just have been questioning its form since everything else I was raised on is complete crap). IF there is actually A God...one and only....and he READS HEARTS......then why the hell should I be destroyed because a RELIGION calls me apostate for not agreeing with THEIR teachings, which are being so blantantly proved as FALSE????
IT MAKES NO SENSE. If there is a God that truly reads the hearts, it is not going to matter what religion/race/culture/whatever you are. "salvation" would HAVE to be based on individuals, not groups of people. After all, doesn't the infamous BIBLE say that each person will render an accounting for only themselves to God? I find it ignorantly assumed that out of 7 BILLION different people only 7 MILLION have "good/acceptable hearts". AND I find it hard to believe that out of those 7 MILLION...they ALL have good hearts! How many of us knew some real JERKS and SHADY PEOPLE when we were witnesses? What about all the evidence of pedophilia? All the abuse that gets hidden? You really think that God would want PEDOPHILES in his "new system"??? COME ON PEOPLE! WAKE THE EFF UP!!!
was listening to the meeting on the phone tonight, and the second half, after the song, one of the announcements said about the gt.. at first i thought they said "great tribulation one day away," but then i listened to the rest, and realized it was "great tribulation is one more day near.
" either way....they're saying it at every meeting now?
and the reason it was an announcement was because they were announcing baptisms.
guess they just wanted to emphasize that two more people are now guaranteed a better chance at salvation (because, you know "probably you may be concealed in the day of his anger") as opposed to the rest of the world who are going to DIE because they didn't get baptized yet.
amazing.. http://www.beautifulperth.com/freeekytest.html.
2% or 98% of population?.
just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can!
i got the same as jadeen!! dominican republic, cat, tangerine! :P
yay i'm 2% smarter! er...wait...LOL j/k :P