And you KNOW that they don't have private swiss bank accounts???
And you know they do?
These men who are running the JW's are not bad men. They are probably nice guys, who work hard, who are convinced they are doing what they can to help JW's worldwide. The problem they have is they have burdened themselves with something no human can ever possible accomplish. By saying they are the exclusive organization that represents Jesus, and by publishing and teaching that anyone who doesnt agree with them has no "scriptual hope" of salvation then they ahve effectively put themselves in the judgement seat of Jesus (as many have). That is an awfully big burden to carry on your shoulders, and one has to really believe in it to continue to endeavor such actions that were not meant for humans.
They are victims of thier own circumstance, carriers of thier own heavy yoke, and hence they have become convinced that anything that furthers the organization is justified because it is what Jehovah wants.
I actually feel bad for them, because they have a burden they cant possible carry, and sit in a seat they are not capable of sitting in. When put under too hard a load, every one compensates in one way or another.
But, I dont think they are thieves plundering the masses for their own personal gain. There has been nothing to ever hint at this whatsoever, and I assure you that the army of anti-JW propoganda artists out there would be on top of this if it was provable or true.
As much as you may want to hope to bring these guys down with such a scandal, the fact remains, this is nothing but a pipe-dream cooked up in seriously biased minds that assume the worse about these individuals because of thier victimization at the hands of the "unity at all cost" mantra.
JW will go out with an assimilation whimper, not the big dramatic scandal that you may want.