Okay, we agree on that.....So, what's next?
If direction is infallible how come so many BORN AGAIN Christians make mistakes?
so did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
Okay, we agree on that.....So, what's next?
If direction is infallible how come so many BORN AGAIN Christians make mistakes?
so did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
So, when a BORN again claims the SPIRIT of Jesus that indwells within them is leading them, then they are expected to be infallible?
Or is that standard reserved for JW's only...
Which has been my point all along. Seems some here are used to going down talking points, slapping labels on posters, and are too obtuse to understand the topic at hand.
The point I was making from the begining is that the JW bashers hold two sets of standards for the JW's and for non-JW's.
Non-JW's can claim they are directed, or led by Spirit and noone expects infallibility from them...
Yet they do for JW's...
Non-JW's can come on here and post people's names, adress, etc....and operate under a different set of accountability than what is expected from JW's.
Do you people think that glaring reality goes unnoticed? Do you think that helps your cause?
so did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
If the Power of the holy spirit does not inspire you than you must be broken
Your missing the point...I am not talking about "inspiring" as in motivating, I am talking about "inspired" as in it is GOD BREATHED, just like it says in 1 Timothy 3:16. IF something is inspired of GOD then it should be infallible. JW's dont make that claim when they say the HOLY SPIRIT directs them, but many JW bashers push that misconception because it is easy to prove mistakes in the JW land and disregard them based on an invalid standard. That is what is called a Straw Man Fallacy
If I had a stove, and I plugged it up, and it didn't work there is either a loss
of power or the darn thing is broken, but all in all it needs somethin' to make
it work and with humans it's inspiration and that has to come from whatever
inspires them ,
I have no clue what your trying to say, and I am not even sure you understand what point I am trying to make. The above makes no sense and isnt on topic. Maybe I missed something?
The WT organization claim the have the holy spirit directing
them how can one claim that they are not inspired by such a powerful source
Because there is a difference between being led by HOLY SPIRIT (or directed) and being INSPIRED by HOLY SPIRIT.
Mind you now this is the same holy spirit that created the earth, parted ther red sea
impregnated a virgin, and caused a room full of people to speak in different languages
and your right JW's are not inspired, they are guilted into the preachin' work
Once again, off topic, but okay...I think some are "guilted" into Preaching work, but I think many others sincerely feel they are doing GOD's work by finding converts for the WTS. Or they do it because it allows for socialization. Either way, I think it is erroneous to claim something for a majority of people when that claim is nothing more than a convienient stereotype developed by those opposed to JW.
Sir, I do believe you missed my whole point.
so did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
So, when a born again claims to have Jesus indwelling within them, and directing them then they are claiming inspiration?
so did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
Well, other than the fact that they're in a cult,
They have cultic tendencies, but I wouldnt consider them any more cultish than any other tight-knitted, xenophobic, dogmatic "club" that doesnt allow for disagreement. The thing is....alot of ex-JW's show those same tendencies. The difference is that they dont have the organization or the infrastructure to push thier dogma, but if they did.....
tend to deliberately deny that fact, willingly go along with the emotional trauma that the Watchtower Society demands they inflict upon all dissenters,
Emotional trauma for leaving a group that you dont want to be part of? Family issues, and family shunnings happen all the time to all kinds of people, all over the world, for various reasons. Surely you dont imagine that it is the JW religion alone that causes family strife.
who even if they are members of their own families, endanger the lives of their children by denying needed medical procedures at critical times,
I personally dont agree with the Blood policy, but I also recognize the right of people to choose the medical treatment they want without someone else pushing thier values on them. You would be an example of that "someone"...
and follow the lead of a group of old men who admittedly don't speak/read or write any of the original languages that the bible was written in,
And......They borrowed different translations that they felt best conveyed the Bible under thier specific interpretation. Do you speak the orginal languages? When you see people discussing the validity of the NWT do you have enough expertise to determine what is correct and what is incorrect? I bet not. Your "views" are borrowed from a multitude of anti-JW websites that have done the research for you, so you can pretend you know more now than the JW's. But, in the end, you know no more orignal language than they did, and you borowwed your thoughts from others....What's the difference?
yet claim to be the "special" and ONLY pipeline from 'god'
Every BORN AGAIN Christian makes the same claim that the WTS claims. They dont claim inspiration, they claim direction. We have people here who will tell you Jesus indwells within them, and leads them. What are the reasons why these two set of groups, who make the same claim, are somehow evaluated under different terms?
- that Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern male volcano god, to be specific....
Oh look, an athiestic, angry, feminist...How original..
Isnt that cute, you made a funny out of my name..Very grown up..
you keep mistaking me for a person who believes that a 4,000-year-old book written by Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern men with a primitive, ignorant, superstitious way of life, would have any significance for me...
Actually I mistook you for someone who holds themselves, and others accountable for behavior that is hypocritical, condescending, and counter-productive to your cause. Your still trying to prove something to someone at this point, so you havent developed the wisdom to see how the aformentioned behaviors sabatoge what you are trying to accomplish. Maybe one day...
Let me spell it out for you...
Arrogance wrapped up in a bouquet of condescencion....Clearly you are someone who we should all strive to be like. Thank you for taking the time to shine your enlightment on me....
The contradictory and hypocritical behaviors and edicts laid out in that Middle-Eastern males' book caused me to do some actual R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H on the origins of the bible and of religion in general...
Oh good, I am glad you took the time to spell out research. I have never heard of this , what is the word, re, ressss, resear....research...
That is a good idea, you ought to spell it out for others who arent as enlightened as an enlightened, angry athiestic, feminist.
Discovering that the bible is merely the latest in a LONG line of religions, starting wth predominantly GODDESS-worshipping religions dating back over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND YEARS AGO, caused me to realize that I did not want to be ruled by the edicts of ignorant Middle-Eastern men...
Are you sure it is only Middle Eastern men you have issues with?
Maybe you ought to find a GODDESS, or declare yourself one, start a a religion, and push your extreme idealogy at others who arent as enlightened and smart as you.
Having clarified that, I realized that atheism was the only logical response,
It is one logical response. And I dont remember asking about your Athiesm because I dont care. Just cant wait to share your enlightment huh? I admire your enthusiasm for egocentrism...
It does make it easier to moralize certain behaviors that some might not do because they realize they might be accountable to someone. But your accountable to yourself and yourself only! That is what a strong woman of the 21 Century should do! Be just like you!
but I have retained an interest in the older - the very oldest - forms of worship practiced by humanity.
That almost sounds like a teaser.....Are you planning on going back to Middle Earth to practice them, and learn to speak in Elvish..??
I have absolutely no interest in following biblical edicts...
Have I stated that clearly enough for you now, Cretinnow???
NO interest but your on a religious debate board...You really cant smell that irony...?
Actually no, I dont think you stated it clearly enough. Maybe if you spell each word out, with single letters and dashes, I will be able to achieve some sort of understanding, no matter how miniscule, into the enlightened existence that is you....
I want to be as happy as you sound......
so did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
I am not an active JW, have chosen to leave them for many reasons.
But I also realize that I dont have the right to treat people like they are below me, nor justify juvenile behavior just because I disagree with JW's about thier interpretations. They are still people just like you.
Already, I am not towing the anti-JW line and already I am being accused of being a JW.
Which brings us back to the point I made earlier.
Realize of course that many ex-JW online have formed thier own cult and have created thier own set of conditions that you must meet in order to be a part of thier "club"..
so did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
What consequences? An apologist rant for the WTBS? For God? Puhleeeease.
One of the more amusing discussions over there now is a circle jerk session about how no one knows what gravity is or how it works and thank YHWH for making it perfect just the way it was and Isaac Newton, who, according to them, is well known to be close to the "Truth" came the closest to figuring it out.
Guess they never looked at a high school physics book written in, oh, the last hundred years or so or never heard of Einstein.
I'd pick out the worst, most sanctimonious elder - or elder's wife - or pioneer - in the congregation. Especially one who denigrates the internet, decries Facebook, and so on...
Then I'd use that person's name to get onto that website...
Dishonesty and possibly damaging to another's reputation
I'm suggesting that this all stay "behind-the-scenes", because of the extreme levels of "security" used on that site - plus, do you remember when Simon hollered at some of us who were going over to the Facebook "JW C@fe" and posting there, then copying their comments and posting them on here???
I think he may have been concerned about possible lawsuit issues...???
Just sayin'...
Condescension and dishonesty!
Sorry guys, but how can you people behave this way, speak this way, and justify that?
I already know the answer.....
Two words
Jehovah's Witnesses
so did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
Realize of course that many ex-JW online have formed thier own cult and have created thier own set of conditions that you must meet in order to be a part of thier "club"..
Really?? Because I've been on exJW boards for 10 years and I don't know what the hell you are talking about. Care to elaborate?
If one doesnt tow the anti-JW line, or is percieved as saying something postive about JW then they are attacked. Look right here on this thread and see the response given to RAYPUBLISHER for calling people out on thier shady behavior.
Look at the way the posters over here speak in a condescending voice about the JW's on another site, and the plan being hatched to inflitrate it and unknowinlgy post people's comments on this site for the entertainment value and nothing more.
Is that behavior acceptable? No
But is it justified....? You bet!
Why? Because the JW's are being targeted.
I have been online for over five years and have observed that many (not all) ex-JW's who are still caught up in the bitter phase of leaving JW's behind are just as conditional, just as dogmatic, and just as judgemental as the JW's they left.
so did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
Like many of the thousands on this forum, I am still inside the org, but am looking to make an exit. It is very complicated for some of us to leave, as you may well know due to family, work, and other ties.
Thank you for your understanding. My posts here are meant to benefit this community and add to the knowledge pool
Realize of course that many ex-JW online have formed thier own cult and have created thier own set of conditions that you must meet in order to be a part of thier "club"..
You just got lesson 1...Never use common sense and deny them the pleasure of ranting on about the WTS being the source of all wrongs in thier life. If you do, be prepared for the consequences.... (Mine will be coming shortly).
I am sure there is a large faction here that clicked on this hoping to get the latest juicy gossip coming out of the anti-JW propoganda machine.
How dare you dissapoint!