Awesome! So bin Laden has apparently been killed, and this is cause for mass celebrations, perhaps because people believe that the cycle of evil will end with this murder.
But governments don't solve the problem of evil, because governments always need an enemy to scare you with -- the Kaiser, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, drug dealers, terrorists, and so on and on.
But who is the enemy?
The death toll from American imperialism: more than 27,000,000 million people slaughtered worldwide.
Well, I guess 27,000,000 and one will make everything better now.
Even if we say that bin Laden needed to be captured or killed -- just look at the facts:
It only took 10 years,
2 wars,
almost a million deaths,
and over 1.1 trillion dollars to make one person, Bin Ladin, stop breathing.
The one person the US government trained, funded, and armed to fight the soviets in the 1980's.
The same person the Taliban offered to hand over almost a year before 911 as long as the US government provided objective evidence linking Osama Bin Ladin to terrorism, which the US failed to do, even after the Taliban warned Washington that bin Laden was going to strike the US.
After 9/11, the Taliban again offered to turn over bin Laden to a neutral country or the Court of Justice in The Hague, even without evidence. This offer was rejected.
And proof? Colin Powell promised it would be provided. It never was. The British government put together a 21-page dossier on bin Laden, but admitted that it would not amount to a prosecutable case in a court of law.
Remember when Saddam Hussein was captured? That was cause for celebration as well.
And what changed?
If killing bin Laden is a great victory, then wonderful, good job. Now, cut the defense budget in half. Bring the troops home, because we're done.
And give us our fucking freedoms back. Stop the illegal wiretapping, the electronic serveillance of medical records, bank records, and credit card statements and library book records.
Give us our fucking freedoms back, and burn the Patriot Act in a public ceremony at Ground Zero.
What? That's not going to happen?
Then stop celebrating and wake up!
(by stefan molyneux)