I would agree about the fairy tale beliefs.
However, this 'religion' has led to people's deaths. It is evil on every level.
they say that seinfeld was a tv program about nothing.
in the end, it was all silliness.. this religion is inconsequential in the big scheme of things.
it's stupid.. .
I would agree about the fairy tale beliefs.
However, this 'religion' has led to people's deaths. It is evil on every level.
it has been a few months since i hear this from an elder.
he said that the c/o told them this new requirement.. "men that wanna be an elder or ministerial servant has to go out to field service on sundays.
if there is an elder or ministerial servant that is not going out to field service on sunday can lose the priviledge".
LOL...... cult.
i remember being at the assembly in 1988?
when this was released.
everyone was so excited that we finally had a simple explanation of revelation with pictures.
I conducted the Book Study in that book SIX times.....it was so ridiculous, that even then, totally indoctrinated, I would start laughing reading the question.....the group would laugh with me.
Every book on Revelation by this 'organization' is a study in comedy......
i just found out that a husband of an old friend committed a suicide and i was wondering if there are any letters to elders or any wts rules concerning funerals for those who committed suicide.
i've looked in the elders book and letters to boe index and didn't find anything.
some posts here say they can have the funeral at the kh and some here said they couldn't hold it there because suicide was involved.
A very nice, young elder just killed himself in Oregon. Hung himself. Tragic.
i will have plenty of "snark" to post later on, but please indulge me while i get this out of my system..... suppose you are the leaders...yes, the leaders...there are only 7 of you...for the one true religion in all the universe.. jehovah the god of the whole universe speaks to you, you alone, out of 7 billion+ people on teh planet.. you have an opportunity, thanks to the advancements in technology, to speak to 750,000 of your followers "live", and another 750,000 or so within 24 hours.. 1.5 million people!
hanging on your every word!.
this is the first time in history you can simultaneously, or nearly simultaneously, address so many of your adherents.. what message are you going to present for this special occasion?.
they are some of the dumbest dudes you will ever know. Clueless on every level.
the more religious a person is, the more likely they are to suffer from hippocampal atrophy.
i guess a lifetime of cognitive dissonance can really take its toll.. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3adoi%2f10.1371%2fjournal.pone.0017006#pone-0017006-t002.
(early symptoms of hippocampal atrophy can include difficulty recalling the recent past and disorientation.
this is VERY interesting....thanks for posting!
one of two things will happen.
i'll get disfellowshipped and never have to worry about being "told on" again for living a normal life, or; they won't do anything.. either way, it's freeing and i feel relieved... it will be sad if i get disfellowshipped but i've come to terms and made peace with it as much as can be expected.
it's a huge weight to have off.. was told on a week ago and haven't heard anything.
Your husband just made himself look bad in JW Land. He is the 'head of his household' and clearly can't 'control' you......LOL LOL
hello all and happy saturday morning!
(at least in my part of the world it is morning).
i am sleeping in and drinking coffee... while on this day five years ago i would have been stuffing my appendages into an ill-fitting suit to go out and stump for wt coffers!
Oh man, we have the EXACT same story......I'm so GLAD to know other guys were appointed at 27, abused to death with parts and JC's.....and experienced these SAME stories......my god, it's eerie!!!
I can't stop laughing. These stories by we former elders are all the same..... like you, I went from young guy listening at these ridiculous problems.....to running the congregation ....
Love this stuff...and the goatee........I have one myself......we are such rebels.
Yup.....this proves it alright!
If only he had seen the need to warn innocent children from molesting elders that He chose with Holy Spirit.
LOL.....oh boy
i would be very interested to hear from you ladies on this one.
i know that the society keeps women in subjugation through the headship cr@p but didn't ahve any sense about hoew prehistoric the attitudes are until the other day when we were driving out of the supermarket car park and my wife spotted a woman dressed in tight shorts (it has been very hot here) and she commented 'they say that women who dress like that dserve to be raped'.
i did a wtf and overreacted 'how can you blame the victim like that - such attitudes give men a lciense to commit rape and make women feel they are to balme if they get raped which in turn means that rape doesn't get reported and it gopes on with impunity.
I wrote a little blog on the Watchtower's view of women.....let me know your thoughts: