JoinedPosts by daringhart13
Why people don't believe in God
by pressman indo you want to know why i think people don't believe in god?
well i believe people don't want to believe in god because they are scared.
they know that if they finally do gorge the confidence to believe in him, he might discipline them for their skepticism.
Pressman.......are you counting your time? -
Thoughts on "Going Clear," the Scientology Documentary
by OnTheWayOut ini managed to find a copy of "going clear" on the internet.
i won't post a link because most are loaded with pop-ups and you have to be careful about accidental downloads.
mine was no exception, but i managed to keep the computer clean.
I watched it the night it debuted on HBO.....I can't recommend this documentary enough.....it's an outstanding look at human nature and religion/cults.....
The parallels with JW's was endless......especially the requirement to 'disconnect'......i.e. disfellowship
Why people don't believe in God
by pressman indo you want to know why i think people don't believe in god?
well i believe people don't want to believe in god because they are scared.
they know that if they finally do gorge the confidence to believe in him, he might discipline them for their skepticism.
Do you mean believe in God as in....believe the JW teaching on Universal Sovereignty? -
I watched Going Clear last night.
The parallels are amazing.
I would love to see a quality film maker do a documentary like this on JW's.......
I would like someone to define what it means to 'protect someone spiritually'
Simply put an incredibly ignorant answer.... but a typical JW elder
Nightline program with segment on JWs has been changed until tomorrow night.
by AndersonsInfo ini was at a criminal trial all day in murfreesboro, tn, involving the notorious jw who i call "mommy molester," angela montgomery.
this is the reason i didn't know until this evening that the nightline program with the segment on jws was changed until tomorrow night.
(i forgot my phone.
Thank you Barbara....I just watched the segment here on the west coast
This organization is so repulsive.....Kendrick's wife looked terrible.....
jw.org cart days numbered?
by jookbeard inreading a report of an elder in a friends cong has been hiding and spying on the pioneers who seem to have a practise of dumping the cart and finding a local coffee shop, i've noticed that they do this in my local high street as well but this week they seemed to be all huddled around the cart, they've clearly been warned, a vast percentage of the time i see they seem to be more interested in fiddling with their mobile phones and gossiping, is just seems these carts are a means for the pioneers to turn in "easy time" i wonder what sort of figures show how much literature is being taken by the public?
i bet its very minimal.
naturally the gb would say they are a phenomenal success , we clearly know they are not.
It never gets old............InsidetheKH......another person spending 40 hours of their life telling people fairy tales.
It never dawns on people like this that what they are teaching today as 'truth', will all be changed in a few years............. rendering all the time they spent 'preaching' a gross waste of a life.
I've never been more convinced that it takes a certain type of person to buy into this garbage
JW NFL Player Retires
by Barrold Bonds inthis is news to me, despite somewhat following the steelers.. http://www.post-gazette.com/sports/steelers/2015/03/11/steelers-free-agent-jason-worilds-announces-his-departure-from-football/stories/201503110155.
with all the surprises that were delivered around the nfl tuesday, jason worilds has pulled another.
the steelers free agent linebacker announced early this morning that he was leaving football.. and the steelers believe he means it.. steelers sources told the post-gazette today that they believe worilds, who became an unrestricted free agent on tuesday, is serious about walking away from football at the age of 27 to work for his religion, jehovahs witnesses, and that there is no hidden agenda involved in his decision.. i appreciate all of the interest from the organizations that have reached out to us the past few days, worilds wrote on twitter.
I used to talk to Guy Pierce (Governing Body) when he was alive....we had several private conversations over lunch....he loved football.
As a PASSIONATE football fan, I was found that really odd......... but he was a big football fan.
Now he watches from heaven judging NFL players, right?
IMPORTANT NEWS: ABC News' Nightline will air a segment about the Watchtower (JWs) Wednesday morning at 12:35 a.m. EST
by AndersonsInfo inimportant news:.
here in the united states, on wednesday morning, march 11th at 12:35 a.m., est, barring any breaking news the day before, the program, nightline, will air as their lead story a 9-minute segment about the watchtower (jehovah's witnesses).
the program is 30 minutes long and this segment is only one part of the show.
Thanks Fink.....and thanks Joy -
IMPORTANT NEWS: ABC News' Nightline will air a segment about the Watchtower (JWs) Wednesday morning at 12:35 a.m. EST
by AndersonsInfo inimportant news:.
here in the united states, on wednesday morning, march 11th at 12:35 a.m., est, barring any breaking news the day before, the program, nightline, will air as their lead story a 9-minute segment about the watchtower (jehovah's witnesses).
the program is 30 minutes long and this segment is only one part of the show.
Okay, I'm totally confused and it isn't listed on my TV menu guide....what night is this on Pacific Time?? Did it already air?