Does anyone know if this sick ^%%$% was a Jehovah's Witness??? .
does anyone know if this sick ^%%$% was a jehovah's witness???
Does anyone know if this sick ^%%$% was a Jehovah's Witness???
hey guys.. not sure if these have made the rounds (tried search feature).. eric posted these on his youtube channel jw struggle.. enjoy!.
As a former long time elder.....its is just awesome to see those elders still 'in' realizing what they are a part of. His comments on elder meetings and the cash grab have been witnessed by every former elder.
i read on another thread (on another forum) where someone mentioned a truly guilt-inducing, cringe-worthy, "bad association" video that was played at this summers rc's.
here is how that person described it:.
"the video about "bad association" was really weird.
we have the convention this weekend and many jw families are arriving.
one family that ive known for many years from new mexico stopped by to visit my mom.
hes been an elder since the 80s.
LOL ...thank you for posting this experience!
No matter how much time goes by, I still get blown away by how many elders know NOTHING about their own 'religion'...... his comment is SO STUPID....your answer? Brilliant.
Yeah.....I'm going to go out on a limb and say he won't ever be 'looking into that'..... never mind that the entire teaching is the basis for his 'faith'
God damn they're funny
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
Didn't Jesus have one of those?
what labels the watchtower judicial system as a completely kangaroo court is the secrecy in which they take place.
i was asked this question by 5 elders who sat as judges over me over the charges get this "speaking against the organization" this was truly the most kangarooie of the kangaroo courts ever.
when they first invited me to this meeting by 2 elder at my place of work i asked them what the charges were and was told speaking against the organization to which i said right the charges down on a piece of paper and sign it to which they refused.
has anyone here re-watched that last day?
the part where justice mcclellan is asking mr jackson if he feels that this royal commission is a sincere effort to make some good changes in policy...?.
and does mr jackson feel it would be worth it to put a collective effort, along with other organizations to compensate or find means of redress, for the victims of child sexual abuse?.
Great summary. BLATANT LIES by Jackson.
To go with another thread on here; some will hopefully be smart enough to use these lies to their benefit in judical meetings.
Watching that testimony and denying the lies only proves that loyal JW's are choosing to be loyal to something that is a cult.
go therefore and make disciples of the jw church, we have been taught and show the world that you must be part of the borg and follow the gb as the faithful and discreet slave as gods chosen mouth piece!
so with all eyes on the faithful slave his chance to tell the world of this witness he does what?
he says that would be "presumptuous of us.
LOL.....yeah, very presumptuous Geoffery....only....well, you've put it in PRINT thousands of times...... you and YOU alone possess the keys to communication with the Almighty!!!!
"However, we cannot hope to acquire a good relationship with Jehovah if we ignore those whom Jesus has appointed to care for his belongings. Without the assistance of “the faithful and discreet slave,” we would neither understand the full import of what we read in God’s Word nor know how to apply it."Examining the Scriptures Daily 2012 Mar 4
"All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave" Watchtower 1994 Oct 1 p.8
do you think any jws watched the hearing to lend soupport to their gb member.
brother jackson?
In the USA?
Almost none
Ask one that you see about the "Royal Commission trial"..........they won't have a clue.
tues august 4, 2015.
royal commission questioning of:.
rodney spinks .
I've been watching his testimony thanks to the great people on this site.
Rodney Spinks is lying....... a lot.
On several occasions he attempts to talk in circles, only to have the judge and/or lawyer tell him he didn't answer the question. Elders/Branch Overseers have no clue how to deal with people that don't get confused or intimidated by them. Its SO fun to watch!!!
It is truly something to watch when Spinks starts talking........... and wow is he lying a lot.