This book will suddenly 'disappear' before too long.
Its become obsolete.
I used to conduct book study out of it and would find ways to get people laughing about most of it.
Just watch......the "new" Revelation book is the next big release
2006 revelation its grand climax at hand--pdf!
bookmarked searchable reduced click the link at the bottom of the next page. cheers!
This book will suddenly 'disappear' before too long.
Its become obsolete.
I used to conduct book study out of it and would find ways to get people laughing about most of it.
Just watch......the "new" Revelation book is the next big release
these people don't give up!
i'm hoping it's because we have an assembly coming up soon or something.
they don't call beforehand, they just stop by whenever, ring the doorbell once and leave.
Why do people answer the door or their phone calls?
Don't answer. Be a complete mystery.
You're under NO obligation to answer the door.
to write to them is to say:.
"yes, i believe you people represent the master christ jesus on earth, and by proxy, jehovah himself.".
they don't.. they don't have any answers.. the answers they do have, they're too cowardly to give.. if they did give them, they'd still be wrong.. .
No...none like that. However, our Body received several for people that were abused and slandered by the elders, publishers, etc.
One man nearly had a nervous breakdown as the WT conductor was responsible for him losing his business and his step son stealing from him.
They all turned a blind eye..........this poor guy lost his mind.......and he was a very kind man who helped the elderly, single mothers and had gone to Bethel......he never returned....he was suicidal from the lack of justice.
The letter he wrote? It was openly mocked and joked about........
have there been stories of people reinstated but not forgiven by there congregations.
i'm think about coming back and thats one of my fears.. .
Yeah.....never mind that whole Isaiah 1:18 thing.....there is still a 'stain' on you the rest of your life.
While we're at it......never mind that whole precious, ransom sacrifice of God's son either.....
Its all so absurd......
to write to them is to say:.
"yes, i believe you people represent the master christ jesus on earth, and by proxy, jehovah himself.".
they don't.. they don't have any answers.. the answers they do have, they're too cowardly to give.. if they did give them, they'd still be wrong.. .
Its a complete waste of time to write a letter to anyone with a title in Jehovah's Witnesses.
If its to a body of elders......they sit around laughing and shaking their heads.
If its to 'the society' they either just file it, send it to your body....or toss it in the trash.
I'm speaking from almost two decades of experience as an elder......seriously, don't waste your time.
i know this is a pointless question, but what if this happened:.
you came home from work one day, sat down, and turned on the tv.
there is a sudden announcement that the un has banned all religion.
I know someone that thinks the entire book of Revelation has already been fulfilled........ and it mostly had to do with the Roman Empire.....
Suddenly those verses "look" different, huh?
2-day circuit assembly .
"you are no part of the world" .
I love the Sunday Symposium....thats the type I probably would have been giving a talk on.....
My only question is: " don't?"
How do JW's continue to believe they are emulating Jah with their conduct? stranger.
i hate to ask you good folks to jump around but the first post in the thread below explains why i'm going into the jc meeting, hence the basis for my questions below....
i have no idea how to present my witnesses.
they've already agreed to show up.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: going to a JC thinking you can influence anything is a waste of time. A TOTAL waste of time.
They have ALL the power. They won't let you say or do anything.....and it they don't like something you say or do, they can just cut it short and DF you.....
I served for 17 years..... I'm telling you for lots of experience that most of them show up ill prepared, have not compassion and are more concerned about what bar they are going to have a beer at after the meeting.
Seriously.....I wouldn't even bother going.
jehovah could read the hearts of david and bath-sheba and see their genuine repentance.
such a factor into consideration, he judged them accordingly, in a merciful and loving manner.. .
Oh god....AGONUS......that was so damn funny....made my day.
ok.... had a good discussion with a jdub friend.
good friend.. and i gave the argument, "hey.., loyalty to god trumps loyalty to organization.".
basically, that when your concious disagrees with "god's organization" that you should stand up and say something.. then he gave me a good point about king david and how saul was the organization at the time but since it was god's appointed one - that david didn't work to "overthrow" saul.. thoughts?.
Its absurd reasoning....and if they were a true Bible student....or hell, just had some common sense....they would understand the difference.
First....Kind David fled "God's visible organization" on several occasions. With King Saul.....with Absalom.... in each case, it wasn't that David was disloyal to JEHOVAH...... he simply had the BALLS to get away from something that was WRONG.
The key lesson is this: he got out of a corrupt 'organization'...but made no effort to fight against it. He could have whacked Saul on several occasions.....but believed it was Jehovah's job to do so (See Romans 12)....... he simply "went away" and hid.....from guess who....THOSE WITHIN the "organization' that made every effort to hunt him down and harm him!!
Sound familiar?
Oh yes....its a DIRECT parallel to what goes on today. You can't simply 'exit'....they come after you...... but they are entirely too blind to see that it is THEM that are acting like Saul and Absalom.
David wasn't loyal to an organization.........he was loyal to GOD HIMSELF.