100% true in my former congregation, as well as the entire 'circuit'
It's fascinating.....the best speakers/teachers end up quitting or leaving....interesting to see someone else observe that.
in our congregation there are now more ex-elders than current ones.
(probably very common).
what i notice most of all, is that the ones who were the best speakers (we actually had some good ones) are the ones who have all stepped down.. i'm of the opinion the better teachers recognize its all a joke, and can't be bothered to reach out again.. so the ones left who are taking the lead are the most boring ones available.
100% true in my former congregation, as well as the entire 'circuit'
It's fascinating.....the best speakers/teachers end up quitting or leaving....interesting to see someone else observe that.
this is a damn serious question.
you must know by now that jerusalem was not destroyed in 607 bce and that 607 was initially picked by ct russell by using his "pyramid scheme" measurements.
there is no hiding these facts yet you continue to preach this nonsense.
To further the evil do you have to be to preach lies to people and bring them into such a 'religion?'
Anyone who does is seriously morally bankrupt.
Being a Jehovah's Witness is NOT an innocent decision. It harms people.
truth is absolute.
there is no such thing as 2=1 or 1=2.. if one starts out with the equation 2=1, one has already failed.. truth = truth.
you cannot change whether something is truth or not.. when the organization teaches one thing as a truth (ex.
My message has always been: "what are you afraid of?"
Read 1 John 4
so as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
jehovahs witnesses have been criticized by community leaders for not fixing up parks in dumbo, brooklyn, as promised.
They are always "loving their neighbor" aren't they?
LOL.....they are so pathetic.
i remember going out with other jws after the memorial.. small gatherings.. picnics at some local landmark.. the feeling of closeness, camaraderie, friendship with like minded people you could trust.. haven't experienced it since i left.. really miss that..
I remember my fellow elders and their wives getting hammered on wine following the Memorial every year.
Yeah......I don't miss that. Or them. At all.
this group built a place for non other than jesus-heck with those "ancient worthies".. just saying!.
Beth SHAN.
Look it up.....its a doozy in it's own right......and not known by many.
being as serena williams shows outstanding abilities and skills at that which she exerts herself in, such as tennis, it would seems reasonable that serena williams has the same high level of abilities in all of her worthwhile endeavors.
perhaps she has this level of abilities in her journey as one of jehovah's witnesses.
would it not be reasonable that those who need greater clarification and understanding of certain bible subjects, to make contact with serena and ask her such questions?.
She isn't a Jehovah's Witness.
In fact, NO ONE that doesn't live their laws, demands and schedule can say they're a Jehovah's Witness.
There are tons of 'baptized' JW's that aren't JW's at all........they are fake, living double lives. Their depth of some call only measured in not getting caught and continuing to 'associate'
JW's are the hard core followers that obey and waste their lives on a daily basis.
it seems like the watchtower is still encouraging "theocratic warfare".
in the no.1 watchtower of 2016, they (ironically) printed an article on is something they said:"lyingwhat is it?
saying something false to someone who is entitledto know the truth.
You mean like "millions now living will never die"......or
....."this generation will not pass away"
......this proves they just laugh in the faces of their people. They know they're lazy, fearful or choosing ignorance.
after sitting through last sunday's watchtower i got so sick of seeing the bobbing/nodding heads when talking about the pictures.
they act like god himself took the picture.
there must have been 10 comments about the group in service and the one brother was looking at his phone with a smile, which is a dead give away that he was reading something interesting.. what got me was how the older brother in the posed picture had a bible in his hand had a stern look on his face looking at the young brother.