Cant find out how to edit. There is the link to the movie.
readers digest in nov.2002 had an excellent article called "miracle medicine and the soul".. a quote from it - "scientists are working to end aging,disease,and pain.
but are they changing what it means to be human?".
some highlights - "self-healing hearts - an end to diabetes?
Cant find out how to edit. There is the link to the movie.
readers digest in nov.2002 had an excellent article called "miracle medicine and the soul".. a quote from it - "scientists are working to end aging,disease,and pain.
but are they changing what it means to be human?".
some highlights - "self-healing hearts - an end to diabetes?
I am all for scientific advancement in medicine but what I think that makes us human is our drive to achieve and reach out to others.
“There Is No Gene For The Human Spirit” is the theme on the cover of a movie entitled “Gattica”
Here’s a description of the movie at “Yahoo! Movies” you should give it a watch.
Maybe science will make it possible for the rich to not need God’s Kingdom To Come but I am sure the poor will still be praying for it’s relief. As for imperfections being erased and death ended I am sure crime will still reign in many parts of the earth and murder and accidents will still occur.
Unless some how truly made perfect Mankind will always need a peaceful mediator to intercede for them.
My 2 cents….no refunds as usual.
Gotta lovz yaz,
i was on an elder meeting 1999, when the gb come upp widh harder ruels fore dfd system and even when we can take back peopel.. they say ther that we had ben to soft, and we must think about to keep org clean, and we must also be carefull not to take back peopel to eary, they must show that they realy regret what they done.. i must ask the former elder on this board, if someone here was on that meeting, it was splitt on two days, and the second day we have this new look on dfd system.. i think this was a very bad move, when i hear this , i was sure that this going to give us problem, but when i read here it is much more problem then i was expeckting.. i is realy tragikal that the gb do this and i think it harm us very much, and ofcourse i think it was wrong, and not from jehova, perhaps satans way to destoy, putt in men like wolfs how putt hard ruels in the cong , impossibel to follow, like this , dont talk to you children if they are dfd, who can follow that .
Bumping this to the top hoping more who have been elders or are elders will resopnd.
here something that all should know and the fake standards set by the jw's... a father and mother shunned daughter for her drug addiction to herion and family ignored her but now that she just died on feb 17, 2003 they want to have the family, who are all members of the jw's, to give talks and give praise about her... here this person ,the daughter, hated the witness but yet they will still have elders gives talks and invite people of the kingdom to come now to see her.. i find this insulting to the daughter who was shunned and spoken hatefully against by the same people who now want praise one agreed with her life style for being an alcoholic and drug user but only the jw's would get away with something like this for shunning and refusing to encourage her to live but now be remorseful and speak of their org to bring back the dead..if she did awaken and me knowing her like i did she would spit in there faces......see the site for audra s. published 2-20-2003..
Mole I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend.
Nothing can replace her in your life or the other lives she has touched.
Although you say her life style was one her family did not approve of I am sure she was a loving and giving person.
Many who chose her style of living think mostly with their hearts and are very misunderstood by those around them. Especially family who wish to put them in small restrictive box that has no room for these special peoples BIG and Generous Hearts.
{{{{hugs}}}} sugar and know Audra and you are in our hearts and prayers.
Gotta Luvz Ya,
i need some feedback.
my son turned five years old today (yea!
) and due to recent financial problems, we are having his birthday party on this coming saturday (instead of this past weekend).
Ok….I was not raised a JW so I can tell you that cake and ice cream is fine since you are starting a 4 pm al though if you could start at 3pm that would certainly take you father from a dinner time. (If there are lurkers)
If your finances can squeeze it in try and make surprise bags for each guest or stuff a piñata full of candy and small prizes and pass out some bags.
If you live in the USA the dollar store should have all the candy and prizes you need.
Everyone loves a piñata and they feel like they left with something even thought you did not spend a lot.
If your mother in-law insists on food you can serve Sloppy Joe’s or hotdogs with chips.
All of this makes a very inexpensive B-day party that everyone can have fun at.
I hope it all goes well and by the way……
well this is just plain depressing :( can't believe stuff like this still happens..
That poor family! Such medical negligence!
As you have said….can not believe this kind of stuff still happens.
The other tragedy of this is it promotes among JW’s that blood is bad for you because of the bible command!
I admit in dietary uses blood could go bad and cause sickness but in medical uses it is the so-called medical professionals that are the problem!
In this case some idiot did not make sure the blood type of the donor matched the recipient!
In other cases it is each pint of blood donated was not properly tested for diseases!
It is not because someone broke a bible command that people die from blood.
It is human error at fault. No ands ifs or buts!
My 2 cents of rant.
Gotta luvz ya guyz,
Once again this poor family and child.
hey guys, .
does anyone know the links to these sites?
i had them on my wife's computer and now that's gone.... i'm trying to print out something for a friend.. 1) the site that that talks about "the emporor's new clothes.".
Here is Focus's thread with the whole thing and real WT ban on what you can feed your pets and medical care you can allow for you pets!
Read and enjoy!
thankyou for the nice washcloth!!
~cassandra & utopian raindrops~
Thank-you so much!!
You are one of the sweetest posters here gurlfriend!!
I want to thank you so much for sending that Valentine to My daughter! It really made her day!
It is lonely leaving The Borg at times and it is wonderful to have good friends like you.
Gotta luvz ya gurlfriend!!
{{{{{{hugs}}}}} 2 you and Windchaser!!!
thankyou for the nice washcloth!!
~cassandra & utopian raindrops~
We wanted you to know we love the wash cloth!! Except we use it like a doily. I have a nice nick nack placed ontop of it!
I hope you like the picture Cassandra drew for you and we wil be mailing you a pencil colored copy for you to hang on your wall!
It was so wonderful of you to knit this for us. Realy does remind me of something my grandmother would have made.
{{{{{hugz}}}}} sugar! Gotta luvz ya,
i have a fantastic new mp3 audio on my site!
it's by cookie claffey, an ex-witness.
she tells her personal story of bondage to the watchtower and how she almost let her daughter die for the society.
ty for pointing out Cookie's story. Listening now.