Ok I am very sad and very down at this point.
I have not been on talking of anything deep because I have been working on a project to post on the net (hopefully at Jourle’s site) about WT Hypocrisy and hope also to get something at least a pebble size stone to throw at The WTBS on their pedophile policies. I know so many elders here where I live who supported and hid the transgressions of pedophiles.
I told one of my dearest friends because this person (who is JW) I know would not spill the beans and ruin it.
Anyway, my friend says to me, ”You do not have the right…..you are disfellowshipped.”
I pointed out that is the point as I was unrighteously dissed and look at the power they hold over people’s lives. Also, I explained that although I no longer wish to be a JW I have one child who wishes too and I cannot just drop my child off to worship freely! No child is truly safe at a Kingdom Hall!
I felt it was my concern but now I feel sad because I think maybe my friend is right.
I do not wish to be JW anymore so JW issues are not my issues….are they?
I am confused and sad. I think of all the people physically, mentally, sexually, and emotionally hurt by this Religion! People….even young children have lost their lives because of this Religion! Am I to sit here knowing this and do nothing?
My own little family in so many ways was hurt by those practicing the teachings of The WTBS. We even lost our home (Live with family so don't worry) and if I go through with this plan my oldest child and I will loose our jobs. All because of this unloving, hypocritical Religion!
I don’t really care about my job as much as I care about all the people I have known for over 15 years as a JW. In so many ways now I feel free and wish others to feel this way too.
Am I wrong in wanting to throw my little pebbles at The WTBS? Is it really not my place?
Someone let me know because I feel just horrible today.
Me, U_R