Truly amazing.
thank you.
man reunites with gorilla.
be sure and listen to his message at the end also.. .
Truly amazing.
thank you.
reading jeff's thread about dress made me think of my one and only trip to bethel.. i can't remember if i was babtised at the time, but i went with a bus load of jws.. like someone said in the last thread, printing presses and empty rooms.
i was very disapointed, however i don't think i had any pre-concieved notions of what it would be like.
what i was diapointed in was so much of the "tour" was walking hallways looking at exhibits behind glass.
Thank you Bluegil.
My son walked me down the isle. My daughter was my maid of honor. When asked who gives this bride to this man, My then, 7yr old son said, "My sister and I do." I was very proud.
my parents sent their da letter back in march.
my mom bumped into a jw who has been a friend since 1985, in fact they were baptized the same day at the same convention.
this particular jw quit attending meetings in 1996. my mom saw her in a grocery store.
At least part of the shunning is fear. I remember seeing df'd people out in public, and they looked all normal and happy and I'm like "what the hell!"
reading jeff's thread about dress made me think of my one and only trip to bethel.. i can't remember if i was babtised at the time, but i went with a bus load of jws.. like someone said in the last thread, printing presses and empty rooms.
i was very disapointed, however i don't think i had any pre-concieved notions of what it would be like.
what i was diapointed in was so much of the "tour" was walking hallways looking at exhibits behind glass.
1993-Mom: "No, we will be taking your brothers to Bethel to show them what is really important."
2023- Mom: will you come visit me at the Nursing home?
Lisa: No, I have something more important - my son's college graduation to go to.
That could happen if my 25 yr old son got his shit together....and my mom stopped the shunning BS. But..on a happier note, I will be attending my grandson's graduation from Kindergarten today.
reading jeff's thread about dress made me think of my one and only trip to bethel.. i can't remember if i was babtised at the time, but i went with a bus load of jws.. like someone said in the last thread, printing presses and empty rooms.
i was very disapointed, however i don't think i had any pre-concieved notions of what it would be like.
what i was diapointed in was so much of the "tour" was walking hallways looking at exhibits behind glass.
I never went on any Bethel tours, but on the day of my wedding, my parents took my brothers. I called, "are you coming to my wedding tomorrow, mom?" Mom: "No, we will be taking your brothers to Bethel to show them what is really important."
That was 1993, neither of my brothers attend the meetings, and I'm still married to the same man.
i hate to exercise, therefore i haven't really ever done it, and stuck with it.
i've had 6 children, and am quite sedentary.
i get really bad migraines when my blood pressure rises, hence hating excercise.. .
Is 20lbs over weight REALLY such a big deal? I mean I understand hundreds of pounds overweight, and the health risks and mental and physical problems ect, .......but 20lbs?
There are some people that just look healthier when they have a little meat on 'em.
as you can see from my profile, i'm from the uk and was brought up in the truth.. how about some introductions from people ?
too funny.
many years ago i bought a house because the government basically threw money at us and the mortgage was pretty much the same as the weekly rent in $ per week.. obviusly that has changed, here in aust real estate has gone through the roof with a house considered a bargain at $300,000 for a first home buyer.. so here i am at 47, thinking about buying a house so that when i retire, the wife and i will not have to pay rent or mortgage at all.
we have to raise $25k more (we have 10) for deposit and fees in the next 18 months to do this.
(offer is to buy mil house at reduced market price).
Rent or Buy decision is a completely personal choice. Some people love having the freedom of ownership. To work on and add to their home. Working in the yard, deciding on paint colors, ect.
We own. In this area, our house payments are half of what a similar home would rent for.
Some people like knowing that if something quits working, they can call the landlord to take care of it. All they are responsible for is making rent each month. ...............Working in a real estate office, I've seen renters' suddenly find out after living in the same place for years, that the owners were not making payments and the property was being foreclosed on and auctioned off and they had to move.
I've also seen working for an attorney, several elderly people, that have had to go in for surgery for something, from the hospital they are sent to rehab, and then to a nursing home or assisted living home. Sometimes determined to have dementia or some other ailments that the doctors don't think it's in their best interest to go back home alone. If they have no family or friends to step in and care for them, they are court ordered a guardian. (The attorney) From that point all their business is determined for them, property sold to care for their needs and pay their living costs.
look what i found.
watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.
mission statementwatch tower arranges for the publication and distribution of bibles and bible based publications, music, art and other intellectual property of a religious or educational nature enjoyed worldwide by jehovah's witnesses and others.
look what I found.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Mission Statement Watch Tower arranges for the publication and distribution of Bibles and Bible based publications, music, art and other intellectual property of a religious or educational nature enjoyed worldwide by Jehovah's Witnesses and others. It also provides financial assistance for the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses, building of Kingdom Halls (houses of worship), and arranging for disaster relief around the world affecting fellow Jehovah's Witnesses and their neighbors. **************************** HENRIETTA M RILEY TRUST 33B006006 FBO Mission Statement SUPPORT WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY *************************** WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF GUAM (no Mission Statement) *********************** Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Mission Statement To publish and distribute religious periodicals and Bibles ************************ WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF FLORIDA INC (no Mission Statement) ********************** Charitable Trust Agreement fbo Watchtower Society Louis R And (No mission statement) ******************** RELIGIOUS ORDER OF JEHOVAH WITNESSES (no mission statement, but the physical address is Brooklyn, NY 11201 ) **************************** There's more. but I tire of this game. lisa