A BIG weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m already enjoying my new found freedom! What a relief!!!
It was a smooth resignation. No confrontation, no questions, no “witch hunt”.
celebrate good times,come on!
(let's celebrate).
celebrate good times, come on!
A BIG weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m already enjoying my new found freedom! What a relief!!!
It was a smooth resignation. No confrontation, no questions, no “witch hunt”.
celebrate good times,come on!
(let's celebrate).
celebrate good times, come on!
celebrate good times,come on!
(let's celebrate).
celebrate good times, come on!
Since I can't post sound...I'll post the lyrics of the song in my head.
Yahoo! This is your celebration
Yahoo! This is your celebration
Celebrate good times,come on! (Let's celebrate)
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you
<a href="http://sunglasses.name"><img src="http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/2908/monkeydrummert.gif" alt=" designer sunglasses "/></a>
this wt just keeps getting better and better, ok well the start of it was the worst the generation change but man this whole wt is really ticking me off.
i must just be in some mood right now.
it has taken me the whole week to listen to it.
“low number of people who are genuinely happy.”
And often I noticed that they are the ones with good jobs, not pioneers, and hold little or no “privileges” in the congregation.
ok the last three days i have been working a ton and have not had the time to read the responses from my other posts but i intend to as soon as i have a minute.
this june 15th wt seems to be filled with outrages stuff.
or maybe i am just really tired and sick of this religion.
They are making Satan and his demons the central figure in this religion after the Governing Body. We are hearing and reading more references about Satan than Jesus. I guess it’s a natural inclination to talk so much about their real father. They fail to publicly admit that money, greed, pride and the desire to control millions of people is their driving force. Just like Satan…they want to get what they want sparing no one.
It could also be (I’m saying this in a sarcastic, condescending way) that they are playing reverse psychology on ex-JW and conscientious objectors (a/k/a apostates). To make us believe that we are better off staying shut in order discourage their “persecution complex”.
Paranoia is settling in, it’s so sad that this will just contribute to the mental and emotional breakdown of thousands of their active members. It breaks my heart to see that for some, there is no way out of this abusive religion.
are you single and looking for a soul mate?
or do you consider yourself to be available?
please, declare on this thread..
this was always one of the main justifications for me in leaving the wt behind.
i was just wondering how many of you have ever reasoned in the same way.. i have often wondered how jesus christ would react if he came back to the earth now and how he would view the organisation who claim to represent his standards?.
would jesus really want to be associated with paedophilia, false prophecies, shunning, the destruction of families, lies, untruths, hypocritical leaders and the lack of love amongst members?.
is there the possibility of a split between the wt corp and the christian cong of jw?
it has been discussed in this forum that it is highly unlikely that the wt corp will disappear or be brought down.
they will always have followers.
Is there the possibility of a split between the WT Corp and the Christian Cong of JW?
It has been discussed in this forum that it is highly unlikely that the WT Corp will disappear or be “brought down”. They will always have followers.
But I wonder, if the legal liabilities and the millions of dollars that the WT Corp is loosing as a result of the theological blunders enforced by the GB (i.e. the ban on blood transfusion, the pedophile ‘protection program’, no higher education, etc); is causing a power struggle between the two entities (WT Corp Vs CCJW).
I heard that the treasurer or WT main accountant commented that contributions have been down by 60%. The Circuit Overseers are dropping too many hints about the possibilities of loosing “our K-Halls”. And the constant emphasis on obedience and loyalty to the GB is already raising some questions.
Corporations will do all that’s necessary in order to survive. Here are some of the things I think the WT Corp knows it needs to do in order to get back to profitability.
However, in order for the WT Corp to accomplish this…they’ll know that they have to eliminate the control of the GB.
Could it be the Don Adams and the other chairmen are moving towards that direction?
Your opinions….
(p.s no need to welcome me to the board…I’m an old member with a new screen name)
i have never understood how adults that have had a life in the normal world could be brainwashed into this cult?
ok i know it dosn't happen very often, about 1 in every 10 years in my experiance.
but it dos happen all the same?.
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
However, I’m not a “new” “new” member .
i have never understood how adults that have had a life in the normal world could be brainwashed into this cult?
ok i know it dosn't happen very often, about 1 in every 10 years in my experiance.
but it dos happen all the same?.
In my case, it was everything that Terry said, plus I was young and in need of direction in my life. They sounded confident about what they thought me, gave me a Job, a purpose and the promised of a big reward.
It only lasted for 12-15 years. I saw the man behind the curtain, the veiled dropped and the rest is history. Now I’m moving on with my life, I don’t beat myself for the years that I invested in this Organization…I try to concentrate at the good that I got out of it.
I became a good public speaker, met some wonderful people, had some memorable times, I was surrounded by a relatively decent “social club” which helped to keep me out of trouble while living in a rough neighborhood. I learned to be disciplined because of the ‘theocratic’ schedule of activities. But most importantly (in my case) I was introduced to the bible and its message (I’m not saying that they were right, just that they introduced me to the bible).