He said the WTS had to sell all it's ASSES. Then who's left?
food for thought
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my name is o`mar p. clark.
i was born and raised a jw.
He said the WTS had to sell all it's ASSES. Then who's left?
food for thought
also, do you think gas prices affects the jw field service any?.
here it is approximately $2.69 per gallon.
i heard in michigan it is $2.99 right now.. outaservice.
$3.10 - Los Angeles
just thought i'd share that we attended our first "worldly" cookout last weekend.
everyone got drunk and it turned into a huge orgy.
at the end we sacrificed one of the partygoers to gozer the destroyer.. not!.
@cantleave- You might want to try my ex wife's house on any day ending in Y.
this guy is on you tube and goes by the name of rational skeptic.
i just thought maybe he's a member of this board.
he is very consistent in winning arguments with active jws.
Nobody ever wants to talk to me. Im going back to the kingdom hall for true love and friendship!
this guy is on you tube and goes by the name of rational skeptic.
i just thought maybe he's a member of this board.
he is very consistent in winning arguments with active jws.
This guy is on you tube and goes by the name of Rational Skeptic. I just thought maybe he's a member of this board. He is very consistent in winning arguments with active JWs. The cool thing about him is that the witnesses try to gang up on him and he still kicks their ass. Heres a taste... (of his comments, not their ass).
RationalSkeptic It is always interesting to see, when "secular dates" agree? with JW dogma, they are quick to proudly state the concurrence. But when their dogma disagrees with well established facts, then those must be evil, secular, satanic facts that are meant to mislead! They really do pick and choose, as if history and science is a cafeteria or buffet.
i am a born in, now ex jw.
i now don't really believe in god which is kind of going from one extreme to another.
i do miss the sense of community that i had as part of a congregation.
You are not going to die a terrible death if you sing a song in a church. That's just what we were programed to believe. God wants us to live life and love each other, so do that. If in the end it turns out there is no God, you lived and you loved. I don't think we can ask for more than that.
i see two compelling reasons right off the bat:.
1. financial - this one is a bit counterintuitive, as we all know the wtb$ is loaded.
but if we could see real preaching stats by territory, i bet my ass that the most return visits are in the western/developed countries.
I believe most of the 18 to 35 year olds at the KH are only going to appease their parents and grandparents. They couldn't care less about truth or fiction. I believe that it is a comforting fairy tale for almost anyone to say "I never have to experience death". IMO thats the extent of it for the youth. but...
Where is the defiance and rebellion of the ages? Am I the only one to look mom in the eyes and say...
oh well, it's propably an Irish-Mexican thang.
i see two compelling reasons right off the bat:.
1. financial - this one is a bit counterintuitive, as we all know the wtb$ is loaded.
but if we could see real preaching stats by territory, i bet my ass that the most return visits are in the western/developed countries.
I am not a biblical scholar nor do I claim to understand the teaching of the WTS beyond the basics. When I see a thread like this one my heart fills with gladness and hope. I know that some JWs will remain out of tradition or familiarity but I want the big "I told you so" as much as they do. More than that, I just want my younger brother back.
Years ago I told to my mother, "you know the whole thing is a crock of ****" and she responded, "it doesn't matter, It works for me". I wonder if she would walk off a cliff. I wonder how many of them would.
when i was a loyal dub, i have turned down some gorgeous women.
Sorry, the question was for loyal Jws, Ignore my post
when i was a loyal dub, i have turned down some gorgeous women.
I was the go to guy when the young ladies from the hall wanted to experiment. I never disappointed a single one - the good, the bad, the ugly.
It was a funny thing being ignored at the hall and befriended at the high school by the same girls.