Hi ya,
I've been researching JW's from academic sources. A guy called Spencer suggested that Jehovah's Witnesses have an greater chance to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital and that a diagnosis of schizophrenia are three times more likely and a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia are four times more likely than the general population.
I suppose it's the chicken or the egg question :- Do people with a higher likelihood of a mental illness be drawn to a religion or does the religion make them mentally ill?
Psychiatric support can help, but again it's finding someone who fits with the individual's personality and empathy with the nature of the religion.
It seems pretty normal for some kind of projection in these cases. Maybe his hypochondria hides some deep seated fear or insecurity that stemmed from the religion. Keep him talking and make him feel secure, get him to seek help and hopefully things will start to improve.