I don't post here very often nowadays but your situation with your sister reminds me of my own problem
with my sister. The J.W's will tear apart any family that has some members who are indocrinated in the cult
and others who are not interested, or who are former members. That is what they do. I am the only member
of my family, and all relations, who are not, or has ever been, in the J.W's. Although i did study a couple of times.
Once when I was 16 another time at 58 yrs old. Every contact with J.W. family has led to problems with them. Especially
my sister. To make a long story short. They are LOST! You cannot interact with them, or reason with them. The
problem is compounded if they have mental problems on top of being J.W's. Like my own sister has. I solved the
situation with this simple reasoning. If a person, relative or not, causes you pain, avoid that person and do not let
them become involved in your life. Harsh solution, YES, but sometimes a situation can become so bad that thats the
only way to handle it. Get new friends, become involved with groups that offer positive influences in your life, and most
importantly, find out the real facts behind the J.W's and omit this group from your life. ASAP!