@serenitynow: You have to watch the show :-) The short of it is Jeff is a terrible with the ladies, and cannot ever say anything right. Somehow he manages to convince a beautiful woman that he's got a wooden leg. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0549668/quotes
JoinedPosts by joeblow
Best romantic comedies...
by changeling ini'm watching "you've got mail" for the zillionth time... it just has to be one the greatest romantic comedies ever made!!!.
what are your favorites?.
(if you dislike rc's try not make ugly comments about them or the people who like them) :).
Best romantic comedies...
by changeling ini'm watching "you've got mail" for the zillionth time... it just has to be one the greatest romantic comedies ever made!!!.
what are your favorites?.
(if you dislike rc's try not make ugly comments about them or the people who like them) :).
Does the list have to be movies only? What about TV shows? Hands down the absolute funniest romantic comedy TV show I've ever seen is Coupling (BBC produced). Download it... buy the DVDs... whatever, and enjoy, especially seasons 1, 2, and 3. You will laugh until you're crying.
If you do manage to see it, Jeff is the character that steals the show for me. He's brilliant, and has so many hysterical one-liners... like "I've seen Paradise, and I've got too many legs" (I'll leave it up to you guys to figure out what that one means).
example of dumbing down and outright attempts to control thought in new song book
by elderelite ina lovley example from this weeks meeting:.
old song book,.
Well, I figured you guys were exaggerating a little on the similarities so I had to go find out for myself.
I downloaded song 92 (Preach the word)... then went and found the Jurassic Park theme played on piano, and you're not kidding!! It's not a little bit like the Jurassic Park theme, it IS the Jurassic Park theme (to my musically untrained ears).
gutted - its July, are you growing your goatee yet?
by Soldier77 infrom my previous thread on allowing beards/goatee's and the pact that you brought up.
i've started my goatee this past weekend!
came into work this morning and one guy i worked with looks at me and goes, "wtf is that?
I've had mine for years. Got a lot of grumbles about it from the cong, but that was as far as it went. Stopped them from asking me to do anything, so there was at least one major benefit.
The new Kingdumb maladies
by WTWizard ini wonder if anyone actually enjoys them.
i have heard scattered reports about how a few actually enjoyed at least a few of the older songs (back when there were 225 of them).
but i have heard nothing but reports of the new songs being impossible to properly sing, very poorly written or performed, or downright blasphemous and promoting blatant idolatry.
This has me curious. I am not willing to attend a meeting to hear the music, but I would like to hear what everyone is going on about. Does anyone have some samples? One or two MP3s or OGGs, plus lyrics?
Any Vancouver-ites out there?
by BurnTheShips ini'll be spending the better part of a week in vancouver, bc later this month.. i hear it is a beautiful, amazing city.. the indian food is supposed to be superb.. i hope to find the time to see some sights and take some of the city in.. what would you recommend to see and do for a first time visitor?.
Vancouver is one of the nicest cities I've ever been to (and lived in).... and I've been to a lot (in Canada, USA, Mexico, Europe, Africa and Asia :-P ) It has great night life, really nice beaches, great shopping (if you're into that) and amazing food from all over the world.
See and do?Oh man, where do you start?
- As Outlaw said, Chinatown and Gastown (with at least The Bourbon, and Cambie for pubs, and Shine if you're into clubbing)
- Stanley Park is great for a morning jog or rollerblading around the seawall
- Kayaking in the inlets
- Fishing in the Frasier and Coquihala rivers
- The suspension (foot) bridge at Lynn Canyon (or the one at Capilano, but the Capilano bridge costs money)
- If your timing is right you might be able to catch the Fireworks festival http://www.celebration-of-light.com/event-information/schedule/ which is really quite amazing.. especially if you can find your way onto one of the dinner cruise boats that putter around the harbor for the fireworks show
- Granville Island is really nice with loads of unusual shopping artsy things to see and do
- Davie, Robson and Denman street for walking and shopping
- Bard on the Beach (open air Shakespeare plays) which is usually in July or August.. no idea when it is on this year
- Kitsilano and Jericho beach (or the nude beaches nearby)
- Grouse mountain - you can either do the Grouse Grind and walk up, or take a tram
The list could go on and on and on....
There are only 3 people in the office today............
by cantleave inme the accountant and a temp receptionist why?...........
because everyone else is at the district convention - poor sods.. i am busy catching up on the posts here and will be looking after my farm on facebook..
Same thing here... but... it's because everyone is off watching World Cup.... a much more entertaining use of a stadium than boring conventions.
Seriously... out of 150 people normally in the office, about 7 showed up. The boss is a World Cup fan so he told everyone to take the day and enjoy the game. Of course JoeBlow being a non-fan is in the office. Something doesn't seem right....
What difference does it make if we are born in?
by wanderlustguy inborn in, what difference does it make?.
i was thinking about this one a lot over the last few weeks.
what difference does it make whether you were born into a cult or were brought in as a teen or adult?
Wow.... that nailed it perfectly. That is exactly my experience. it gave me shivers to read... I was thinking.. have you been watching me? :-)
@StAnn: You're also so right on the marriage thing. Being in a relationship now as an adult... a non-JW relationship is so hard. We're almost hard wired into this bizarre way of thinking about marriage, relationships and what is "right"... but I believe that half the battle is knowing. If you are aware of where you came from... you can take steps to fix things.
JW invisibility = shame?
by gubberningbody init strikes me that jw's don't believe any of this stuff the wtbs is putting out anymore.
i never see them anywhere..
I see the same in the city I live in. They've never been around at my door... ever, in all the years I've lived here... and I've never seen them in the neighborhood. I do see them in the city center once in a while doing the holding up the magazines thing.
One day I had some time on my hands. I was wandering around in the city center doing some shopping, when I spotted a couple of older JWs doing "street corner". They were just standing there in a busy pedestrian area, holding up the Watchtower and Awake... in several languages. I sat down nearby and just watched to see if they did anything other than stand there. Nothing. They stood there are were completely ignored by everyone passing by. No one stopped to talk to them. They made zero attempts to talk to anyone. They stood there idly chatting with each other, putting in their time, and doing their duty.
Might depend on the feed you're watching the game on... the Italians are masters of stomping other player's feet, jamming elbows in their face etc. :-) The last WC game (last WC in Germany) they played against the Netherlands was a real masterpiece of dirty playing. Poke around in YouTube and you'll find loads of examples of how they play.
Oh, for anyone looking for a way to watch the games, try http://www.myp2p.eu You can usually find a feed for any game there, and there is usually streams that will work in Linux and OSX as well as Windows.