"You are too twisted for color TV, Clairie."
Steel Magnolias
"You are evil, and you must be destroyed."
Also from Steel Magnolias
...or least favorite?.
just for fun of course.. i just posted on the top 10 movies to take on a desert island and it had me wonder.. anyways....as to my favorite:.
"there is no spoon.
"You are too twisted for color TV, Clairie."
Steel Magnolias
"You are evil, and you must be destroyed."
Also from Steel Magnolias
so after my once a year visit with my parents it dawns on me that my dad, after 30 years in the "truth" has never been an elder.
but yet my brother has.
so i'm thinking to myself i wonder if he was never an elder because one or more of his children has been disfellowshipped for all or part of the last 22 years.
My father was an elder for many years. Some time ago he was either asked to step down or was forced to, I'm not sure which. Anyway the rumor mill said it was because 5 of his 10 children were either df'd da'd or inactive. I do remember my father telling me when I was a kid that someone shouldn't be appointed to a position of authority in Jehovahs house if he didn't have his own house in order.
peace and love to everyone,.
the purpose of this post is not..let me repeat not to start a flame war, so as my mother use to tell me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
ok so it doesn't have to be nice but please try and keep it civil.
Actually I don't expect anything from you.
joel, i want you to know i can think of no other poster who shows as much humanity, as much compassion and insight as you, particularly when it comes to the human condition.. thank you for sharing yourself and your journey so openly; i'm grateful for that.
you obviously have picked up many helpful tools in your recovery toolkit, and when you not only share them with us but show how to use them, how they can benefit us, we are the richer.. i need not say more, than that you are loved very much.. maximus.
who once in a while learns from joel a leeeetle more than he needed to, but what else is new?
Blah blah blah blah blah. You're such a shining Christian example that it warms my heart. I've never met a JW like you before. At least most of the JW's I have known in my life were at least kind to people, even ones that didn't agree with them. You may take it or leave it, but again I wish you peace.
Take care,
peace and love to everyone,.
the purpose of this post is not..let me repeat not to start a flame war, so as my mother use to tell me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
ok so it doesn't have to be nice but please try and keep it civil.
I must say you are the most Christian person I have ever met. If you choose not to accept my greeting of peace and love to you then all you need do is say, no thanks.
Take care,
Opinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.
joel, i want you to know i can think of no other poster who shows as much humanity, as much compassion and insight as you, particularly when it comes to the human condition.. thank you for sharing yourself and your journey so openly; i'm grateful for that.
you obviously have picked up many helpful tools in your recovery toolkit, and when you not only share them with us but show how to use them, how they can benefit us, we are the richer.. i need not say more, than that you are loved very much.. maximus.
who once in a while learns from joel a leeeetle more than he needed to, but what else is new?
First of all I don't hate anyone, JW, XJW or otherwise. I was simply trying to point out to you that you can spew all the hate you want and it doesn't matter because most people on this board don't care what you have to say. I find you amusing, and I enjoy your attempts at trying to hurt my feelings. BTW I haven't been called a dummy since the 2nd grade, thanks for the laugh. But alas, you don't hurt my feelings. My mother raised me to have kindness in my heart for all mankind. Also just so you know everyone has the right to post on this board, as I have made clear in all of the posts I have made. And if you think there are more currrent JW's than XJW's on this board you are the one that is dilusional.
Peace and love to you,
PS: I've never claimed to be your avowed enemy. As far as I can remember I've never posted anything to that effect. And if, and I do mean if you are a current JW then you should be ashamed of yourself. Last time I checked, talking to apostates was against your religion. Better head to the nearest Kingdom Hall and beg for forgiveness.
Opinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.
joel, i want you to know i can think of no other poster who shows as much humanity, as much compassion and insight as you, particularly when it comes to the human condition.. thank you for sharing yourself and your journey so openly; i'm grateful for that.
you obviously have picked up many helpful tools in your recovery toolkit, and when you not only share them with us but show how to use them, how they can benefit us, we are the richer.. i need not say more, than that you are loved very much.. maximus.
who once in a while learns from joel a leeeetle more than he needed to, but what else is new?
I agree with most all of the above posts. I've found your imput to be thoughtful, caring and heartfelt. And may I say on a personal note that your website has helped me tremendously, and I think your just yummy. So please forgive me for adding this last part.
Yadirf/Friday/or whatever: Get a life. No one cares, and no one is listening. Haven't you figured out yet that your words of hate have no place here. If I wanted to be subjected to your type of venom I'd visit my father. There is a difference between posting your personal views and posting pure hatred. Think about it guy. Jesus said to love your neighbor as you love yourself. By the sound of your posts you must really hate yourself.
Peace and love to all,
peace and love to everyone,.
the purpose of this post is not..let me repeat not to start a flame war, so as my mother use to tell me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
ok so it doesn't have to be nice but please try and keep it civil.
You are correct that most on this board are very supportive of gays. I won't mention the names of those that aren't but the ones that you mentioned are correct. I just wanted to let them know that I don't take them seriously, plus I figured I'd try and give them some correct information instead of the bs they've been subjected to.
peace and love to everyone,.
the purpose of this post is not..let me repeat not to start a flame war, so as my mother use to tell me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
ok so it doesn't have to be nice but please try and keep it civil.
Peace and love to everyone,
The purpose of this post is not..let me repeat NOT to start a flame war, so as my mother use to tell me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. OK so it doesn't have to be nice but please try and keep it civil. First let me state that I in no way claim to represent all gay people. That would be may too much of a burden and frankly I'd suck at it. What I am posting is my personal opinion, nothing more.....nothing less. You are free to agree or disagree, no judgements will be made on my part.
OK here goes:
I'd like to state once and for all that I DO NOT CARE whether anyone on this board or anywhere else approves of my sexual orientation. It is mine and my partners life and not yours. Nothing that happens in my life has ANY affect on you, so please don't act as if it does. I have noticed many posts regarding homosexuality on this board and I just wanted to make that clear. It seems some of you just can't grasp the fact that I DON'T CARE.
I love my husband. Some on this board will understand that
fully. Others will be troubled by it. And yet some others will be disgusted by it. Whichever category you fit into, have at it.
I am tired of reading posts that flame me and other members of the gay community simply because we are gay. If you wish to attack me, please find a valid reason. Why waste your time and energy posting messages of hate that most (notice please that I said MOST) gay people don't care about.
I realize some here won't believe this, but it is true. THERE IS NO GAY "AGENDA". Do me a favor and ask a gay person that you know, if they know what the "gay agenda" is. They will probably tell you some or all of the following.
1. Gay people want to be guaranteed the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
2. Gay people want the right to live in a neighborhood where they won't have to fear for their safety.
3. Gay people want the right to love and to marry whomever they choose.
4. Gay people want the right to earn a decent living and to not be subjected to harassment in the workplace because of who they are.
5. Gay people want to have the same rights as everyone else when it comes to housing, adoption, marriage, and healthcare. Gay couples want to be entitled to the same tax deductions as married heterosexual couples. Gay couples want the same survivorship rights that are enjoyed by married heterosexual couples. Gay people want the same rights to adopt and love unwanted children as married heterosexual couples. Gay couples want the same rights to make healthcare decision for their mates as married heterosexual couples. Gay people simply want the same rights that are enjoyed by all other people. Notice there are no "special rights" in the list above. ((And believe me if I was pushing for special rights, on the top of my list would be to have a houseboy that looks like Joelbear))
So for those of you out there, and you know who you are, that insist on posting hate mail on this board let me say once again that I DON'T CARE. It does not bother me that you don't agree with me. It does not bother me that you may hate me. The only time I have responded to those types of posts in the past was when I felt someone was being overtly nasty, and I will continue to do so. But just so you know, there is nothing you can say that will change the fact that in all reality, I DON'T CARE.
Peace to all,
jjs (reformed heterosexual and ex-jehovahs witness)
Opinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.
this is on my site as listed at the end:.
between love and me its late night.
i have just been to another elder meeting, as we used to do.
You have my sympathies. This past Saturday was the anniversary of my mothers death, so I know how painful it is. I wish you peace on that day and all others. The only bit of help I can offer is to let you know that it does get better with time. It never gets any easier, but somehow with time you will find the place in your heart again that your fathers death left empty.
take care,