This was one of my favorite TDS clips. It got removed from Youtube but exists here. It's regarding O'Reilly's view of the "war on Christmas." Hilarious.
JoinedPosts by Jourles
Passionate or not, if these two were not on TV and instead in the back coffee room, someone would have left with a blackeye. That is unless, they agreed beforehand to "pick a fight" with each other to boost ratings and to get "everyone talking about it" as we are doing here right now on a jw board.
I wonder if Stephen Colbert will have something to say about "Papa Bear" next week?
My favorite part of The Daily Show is where they make fun of other news networks in how they cover an event. If you were to watch these other networks exclusively, you probably wouldn't notice the sheer sensationalism that they bring to the tube. But when TDS shows clips from all of them and how they make a circus out of one big news item, I think to myself - "Have we really sunk this low in our country?" The same people who love Jerry Springer will probably love this Rivera/O'Reilly clip.
Yeah, I prefer to get my news from the web and then finish up the day with TDS and The CR to help me sleep with a grin on my face. Watching the clip above only got me in a pissy mood and made me want to punch someone.
And some people ask me why I prefer to watch The Daily Show. At least I don't have to watch this crap.
When both sides have to resort to shouting and yelling, it is no longer a dignified debate. What a waste of TV programming.
rantings on jw fellowship board
by gspradling ined-->some thrilling experiences that just goes to show jehovah knows:
does jehovah know what is going on, and does he help?
1. the bomb planted in the kingdom hall in australia, where one brother was killed, was meant to kill everyone, and would have; but the bomb rolled backwards so the force or the blast was away from the friends, rather than aimed at them
1. The bomb planted in the Kingdom Hall In Australia, where one brother was killed, was meant to kill everyone, and would have; but the bomb rolled backwards so the force or the blast was away from the friends, rather than aimed at them
How do they know the bomb "rolled backwards?"
2. A new Hall was built in Brooklyn. However, a large tree was inconveniently located in the center of the parking lot, and a city ordinance forbade it's removal. That night, a storm blew it down, and it conveniently fell in the middle of the street. No harm came to the Hall. Because it blocked the street, the city of New York had to remove it, at no expense to the brothers.
Was there a news clip of this happening? Or was it a word-of-mouth story?
3. In Florida, a Hall building was delayed, because the basement hadn't been back filled and the brothers had no means to do so. While the inspectors were at the site, a bulldozer showed up, did the job, and drove off. He returned to tell his boss he'd finished the job at the Hall. The boss replied, "Hall!? I told you to go to the mall!" The job was done at no expense to the brothers.
Basement in FL? LOL! Besides, did the bulldozer's boss tell him to go to the "Kingdom Mall?" How else would someone(supposing he's worldly) know to go to the Kingdom "Hall?" If I was told to go to the "hall," I would need a little more info to go on.
I Have Reached the Pinacle
by XJW4EVR ini saw all the hubbub you folks were making over the memorial, and for the first time in my life since leaving the j-dubs, i had no desire to even go.
as recently as last year, i gave thought to going, but usually did not.
this year it came and went and i never gave it a thought.
I found that my pinnacle was reached as soon as my wife stopped crying and pouting because I wasn't going. This year, she got dressed, asked me about her shoes, and left. Waaay easier than a couple of years ago.
US military buildup on the Iranian border...
by zeroday inmoscow, march 27 (ria novosti) - russian military intelligence services are reporting a flurry of activity by u.s. armed forces near iran's borders, a high-ranking security source said tuesday.
"the latest military intelligence data point to heightened u.s. military preparations for both an air and ground operation against iran," the official said, adding that the pentagon has probably not yet made a final decision as to when an attack will be launched.
he said the pentagon is looking for a way to deliver a strike against iran "that would enable the americans to bring the country to its knees at minimal cost.
I'm still trying to figure out which excuse the US will use to attack Iran:
- Iran allegedly fires missile at US aircraft in "Iraqi" airspace.
- If the Russian's intel of the US attack date of April 6th is true, expect the Iranians to release the sailors within the next two days. This will be one less excuse to "free the hostages." Iran will say that the sailors "apologized" - which will be good enough for them, even though Britain didn't do it officially.
- An "Iranian" ship will allegedly fire on a US ship.
- The US finds and proves "beyond a doubt" that Iranian Revolutionary Guards were just fighting against US soldiers in Iraq.
Iran isn't doing anything to the US right now that warrants a full scale war with them. Developing nuclear technology is their right under the NPT. It doesn't matter what many feel in their "gut" about them deveolping a nuke to deliver on US soil or how many UNSC resolutions get passed at the behest of the US. The IAEA has found no evidence of nuclear weapons facilities. Deal with it.
Seeing that Iran is basically keeping to themselves right now(aside from the sailors in disputed waters), the only way the US could mount a "legal" attack on them would be to have one of the above scenarios happen. Of course, there are many other scenarios that could be played out, but the US public(and world) will need something far more convincing this time. The world will need to see "proof"(fabricated or not) of Iran attacking US forces. I can't believe the democrats stripped out of their latest bill a line that would have made it necessary for Bush to get approval from Congress before attacking Iran. This makes me wonder if we're just seeing a massive game of good cop/bad cop being played out in Washington.
The only way for Iran to change back to the dollar in oil trading is to have a US friendly regime set up. We've got two years to watch this happen.
Does this scare you?
by Mile 0 ini've been hearing more and more talk from the christian right on cable evangelical tv that i find particularly disturbing.
i actually heard this evangelist suggest that a nuclear strike by israel/u.s./britain against an arab/muslim country would be a fulfillment of the revelation prophecy about "the eyes rotting out of their sockets" etc.
i guess i just don't like the idea of influential tv evangelists endorsing what would i would call the launching of ww3.. do you think a pre-emptive strike against iran would be seen by the christian right as the beginning of the big "a", led by israel with backing of u.s. and/or britain, in fulfillment of bible prophecy?.
Something in my gut tells me that Bush really wants to be a main player in his view of how armageddon will be played out. If we make it past 2008(when he's gone) without any large scale military conflict between two major countries, I will not only be shocked, but also relieved.
We need less religiously inclined political figureheads in power -- across the board.
One Partaker
by Jourles inthe memorial last night was nothing new.
the routine never changes.
two congregations joined together for the night in one building.
Wow - what a post to drag back up from the dead. This happened almost 5 years ago! I never did hear who the df'd person was. In fact, I didn't really go out of my way to meet many other witnesses outside of my old congregation.
I don't know any df'd/da'd folks from the Lansing area. There has got to be some, but I don't know of any.
WBTS does visit apostate websites!!
by crazyblondeb inwatchtower society visits apostate website!february 27th, 2002 | posted in: , jws vs. the world | keywords: jehovah, watchtower society, internet, apostate, articles by rado vleugel | 5 comments.
by rado vleugel.
webmaster watchtower information servicethe ancient chinese tactic sun tzu who lived 2,500 years ago once said: if you know your enemy and yourself, you will win every battle.
Hey! I see that Simon has fixed the little loophole that I've pointed to in the past on how to get someone's IP address. Not too long ago, someone could embed a picture into their post(like a blank, 1 pixel transparent gif file), say on a home http server, and then correlate the timestamp with the referring URL in the httpd logs. Now when you reply to a thread, any html <img> tags are stripped out of the replies. You can still see the IP's of the people who browse, but it is now much harder and requires a little more detective work to find info on a specific poster. It's still possible, but very difficult to do.
Thanks Simon for incorporating that change! It will go a long way in helping to keep the anonymity around here for those who need it.
Oh, and for those who are wondering what that little gif file looks like, it is right here between the arrows --->