I'm making my donation here in just a few. I'm wondering if some folks are waiting also to make a huge spike in the graph below just before midnight... (~$5.8 million so far at time of posting with half an hour to go)
JoinedPosts by Jourles
Today's Boston Tea Party event DEC 16 - MONEY BOMB!
by What-A-Coincidence inthis may be the single defining moment in all of our lives.
give it every resource you have.
do not live past this election with regret.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
As I mentioned, there was no need to answer the question. But since you brought it up...
Maybe because America has only been involved in spreading freedom around the world, not dominating the world in some destructive way.
I can only highlight so much in that quote above. In essence, you just answered the wrong question. Now the question is -- Do I begin to start listing unconstitutional invasions of sovereign nations, CIA overthrows, etc etc etc? Does it make it more right to "spread freedom" with the barrel of a gun or the assassination of a public figure? Can you honestly say that Islam is "dominating the world?" Who has the widest military coverage on the face of the earth? Which country preemptively invades other countries under the falsehood of lies? I'm sorry, but "spreading freedom" is the propagandistic term used to settle the stomachs of a queasy nation worried about if we're doing the right thing. When confronted with challenges to our national authority as the "policeman of the world," the media propaganda machines simply throw out "but we're spreading democracy and freedom!" Say that phrase enough, and people will start to believe it. When on the other hand...
Take a look at Afghanistan to see what Islamic domination is all about.
I'll take a look at Afghanistan if you take a look at our buddies in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. We're so keen on spreading "democracy" throughout the world, we turn a blind eye to Saudi Arabia. Executions in the street? Sentencing a woman to prison because she was raped? Sounds like a great place to live. Yet we let them continue with what we deem as atrocities towards human rights. Afghanistan is more like the Wild West than a country. It has always been that way.
So please humor me and tell me what makes Afghanistan much more worse than Saudi Arabia in terms of "Islamic domination." I'm wondering what you are referring to here. Is it the government's policies? What?
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
Do you really think he would issue statements clearly stating his long term goals? Do you really think he would say, "If you get out of all Arab lands and totally stop offering any support to Israel (which the US will never do) we will never bother you again"? Just because Islamic extremists seldom speak of their long term goal, total world domination, does not mean that they have no such goal. They do.
Why not? He is at liberty to speak his mind. No one controls what OBL says except OBL himself. Why would he refrain from telling the world of his ultimate plan of world domination? Is he scared that the US military would come after him if he said such a thing? LOL!
"If you get out of all Arab lands and totally stop offering any support to Israel (which the US will never do) we will never bother you again"?
OBL essentially said this, and you can refer back to his quote from 2004, about states minding their own business and to stop meddling in the ME.
You're presuming to speak the thoughts of OBL and other "radical Islamists." Why should I listen to wannabe terrorist nuts posting on Youtube when I can listen to the horse's mouth directly? He is the leader - those others are just farts in the wind. Which would you quote on this board, a GB member or an elder from Bald Knob, AR? If I didn't know any better, you must be good pals with OBL since you know what his ultimate goals are even though he has never spoken of these grandiose plans. Besides, what makes American world domination better than Islamic domination? Don't answer that. Just think about the idea.
Calling all wood Deck Pro's
by restrangled ini have a deck, that initially was sealed by hand with a brush.
twice over and took me a month.......it's over 1000 square feet.
pressure treated pine.
5.) Rip out and install composite deck boards in place of.
When I built our deck earlier this summer, we debated on which type of "wood" to use. I'm pretty glad I spent the little bit extra for composite. It'll never rot and I won't ever have to worry about sealing it every couple years. If anyone has any question on what to use, spend the extra money for the good stuff - you'll thank yourself years down the road. Oh, and it cleans off wonderfully with a power washer - no matter what the setting.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
Radical Islamists hate the USA and not just because we have a presence in the Middle East. They hate western civilization because we are not Muslims.
This contradicts what OBL and his minions have said. I highly suggest you read each and every statement below. Seeing that you are not willing to believe us, maybe you will believe the words spoken by the "terrorists" themselves. Here are a few direct quotes from OBL himself:
Oh American people, my talk to you is about the best way to avoid another Manhattan, about the war, its causes, and results.
Security is an important pillar of human life. Free people do not relinquish their security. This is contrary to Bush's claim that we hate freedom. Let him tell us why we did not strike Sweden, for example.
Although almost four years have passed since the [11 September] incidents, Bush is still practising distortion and confusion.
He also continues to conceal from you the real reason [for the 11 September attacks]. Thus, the motives still exist for repeating what happened.
I will speak to you about the reasons behind these incidents. I will honestly tell you about the minutes in which the decision was made so that you will consider. I say to you that God knows that the idea of striking the towers never occurred to us.
But, after things had gone too far and we saw the injustice of the US-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, I started thinking of that.
The events that influenced me directly trace back to 1982 and subsequent events when the United States gave permission to the Israelis to invade Lebanon, with the aid of the sixth US fleet.
At those difficult moments, many meanings that are hard to describe went on in my mind. However, these meanings produced an overwhelming feeling to reject injustice and generated a strong determination to punish the unjust ones.
While I was looking at those destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me to punish the unjust one in a similar manner by destroying towers in the United States so that it would feel some of what we felt and to be deterred from killing our children and women...
We did not find it difficult to deal with Bush and his administration, because it is similar to regimes in our countries, half of which are governed by the military and the other half of which are governed by the sons of kings and presidents; and we have a long experience with them.
In both categories, you find many who are characterised by hubris, arrogance, greed, and unlawful acquisition of money. This similarity transpired since Bush Senior's visit to the region.
Your security does not lie in the hands of Kerry, Bush, or al-Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands. Each and every state that does not tamper with our security will have automatically assured its own security.
The last sentence quoted above really sums it up. When Ron Paul was ridiculed by Rudy G during one of the previous debates over the cause of 9/11, the quotes above were what RP was referring to. RG said that was a "pretty absurd" explanation as to why 9/11 occurred(speaking of foreign policy). Who is in denial here? A presidential candidate who quoted OBL, or a presidential candidate who is willing to continue and further the Middle East war? People hear through the mainstream media that the "radical Islamists" hate us for our "freedoms." If they told us that that eating our own feces was healthy, I'm sure there would be millions of people that would try that out too - because "why would the media outlets lie to us??"
You will find similar statements made by Khalid Shaykh Muhammad (allegedly the mastermind of 9/11) in the link above under "minions." Here are two:
And he said it is not no need for me now to make explanation of what he said but mostly he said about American military presence in Arabian peninsula and aiding Israel and many things.
Sometime I want to make great awakening between American to stop foreign policy in our land. I know American people are torturing us from seventies.
So a Christian, would you mind giving us your thoughts on what OBL said and how that compares to your blanket statement of, "They hate western civilization because we are not Muslims." I would like to know which radical Islamist(s) have endorsed this feeling. It shouldn't be too difficult to find such a popular quote.
How many five year olds could you take in a fight?
by erandir incheck out this website...it turns out i can take on 27. sounds like some bad b movie.. http://www.howmanyfiveyearoldscouldyoutakeinafight.com/.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
Can you explain why anyone would feel threatened by Ron Paul since he has absolutely no chance of ever being elected President?
If this were true, why is he pulling in the most money(from citizens) of all the republican candidates? His campaign has just about reached their 4th quarter goal of $12 million. Dec. 16th will catapult him over that mark substantially. The news pundits were in total shock when he raised $5 million in the 3rd quarter. Imagine the splash and disbelief they will spout on Dec. 17th... If you're judging the electability of a candidate by their "poll numbers" or the amount of time that media outlets gives to someone, don't be too quick to write anyone off, anyone. BTW, what credentials would give any other (R) candidate an edge over RP? Or is it his stance on certain issues that gives him "absolutely no chance of ever being elected President?"
Muslim helps Jews attacked on New York subway
by beksbks innew york (cnn) -- a muslim man jumped to the aid of three jewish subway riders after they were attacked by a group of young people who objected to one of the jews saying "happy hanukkah," a spokeswoman for the three said wednesday.. friday's altercation on the q train began when somebody yelled out "merry christmas," to which rider walter adler responded, "happy hanukkah," said toba hellerstein.. "almost immediately, you see the look in this guy's face like i've called his mother something," adler told cnn affiliate wabc.. two women who were with a group of 10 rowdy people then began to verbally assault adler's companions with anti-semitic language, hellerstein said.. one member of the group allegedly yelled, "oh, hanukkah.
that's the day that the jews killed jesus," she said.. when adler tried to intercede, a male member of the group punched him, she said.. another passenger, hassan askari -- a muslim student from bangladesh -- came to adler's aid, and the group began physically and verbally assaulting him, hellerstein said.. "a muslim-american saved us when our own people were on the train and didn't do anything," adler said.
adler pulled the emergency brake and the train stopped at dekalb avenue station, where police came on board.. the 10 suspects, ages 19 to 20, were taken into custody, said brooklyn district attorney spokesman sandy silverstein.. askari was first handcuffed alongside them, but he was released when adler told police he was not an attacker, hellerstein said.. alder was treated at long island college hospital for injuries that included a fractured nose and a cut lip that required several stitches, while askari suffered a black eye, hellerstein said.. .
But Saudi school textbooks say things that would'nt have been outta line in Nazi Germany, about how the Jews have been the source of all of history's problem's, not the "state of israel."
And surprisingly, this is the main country in the ME that we are close buddies with... What's wrong with this picture?
Muslim helps Jews attacked on New York subway
by beksbks innew york (cnn) -- a muslim man jumped to the aid of three jewish subway riders after they were attacked by a group of young people who objected to one of the jews saying "happy hanukkah," a spokeswoman for the three said wednesday.. friday's altercation on the q train began when somebody yelled out "merry christmas," to which rider walter adler responded, "happy hanukkah," said toba hellerstein.. "almost immediately, you see the look in this guy's face like i've called his mother something," adler told cnn affiliate wabc.. two women who were with a group of 10 rowdy people then began to verbally assault adler's companions with anti-semitic language, hellerstein said.. one member of the group allegedly yelled, "oh, hanukkah.
that's the day that the jews killed jesus," she said.. when adler tried to intercede, a male member of the group punched him, she said.. another passenger, hassan askari -- a muslim student from bangladesh -- came to adler's aid, and the group began physically and verbally assaulting him, hellerstein said.. "a muslim-american saved us when our own people were on the train and didn't do anything," adler said.
adler pulled the emergency brake and the train stopped at dekalb avenue station, where police came on board.. the 10 suspects, ages 19 to 20, were taken into custody, said brooklyn district attorney spokesman sandy silverstein.. askari was first handcuffed alongside them, but he was released when adler told police he was not an attacker, hellerstein said.. alder was treated at long island college hospital for injuries that included a fractured nose and a cut lip that required several stitches, while askari suffered a black eye, hellerstein said.. .
This just goes to show that Muslims are NOT mortal enemies of the Jews. Our braindead media outlets (and probably even a few at the top of the US administration) would like us to believe this distorted "fact," but rather, it is the American supported Israeli state which is despised. How else could tens of thousands of Jews live peaceably in Iran (a predominantly Shiite Muslim country) and even hold a seat in their political assembly which is guaranteed under the Iranian constitution?
This news clip shouldn't surprise anyone. If it does, stop listening to
FoxFaux News. This was simply a case of a human being coming to the aid of another. -
My Life as a 'Famous' Jehovah's Witness
by united states of nothing injust let me start out by saying i am unable to give certain details of my life as i have learned very quickly this can cause a lot of problems.
i was born into the 'truth' as my mother had been studying with a few sisters on and off at a local congregation.
my father was never a jw and came in and out of my life for many years..to this day i do not give him much time.