Oh, come now. This isn't that explosive...
JoinedPosts by Jourles
Unbelievable - Bush sets aside $50B for new war - inside our borders!
by Jourles inhttp://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/30944/.
who's next on the hitlist?.
Unbelievable - Bush sets aside $50B for new war - inside our borders!
by Jourles inhttp://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/30944/.
who's next on the hitlist?.
Who's next on the hitlist?
What Do You Do for Work / Career?
by BlackPearl ini've been on the board for quite a while now and was wondering, what do my fellow jwdr's do for work, employment or career?
me, i'm in probably one of the most hated careers in america right now.
(not gonna tell you what it is either) but how about you, what do you do to earn a little coin?.
I major in volleyball and minor in wireless telecommunications. I wish I could earn a regular living by playing on the AVP tour.
WT monitoring JWD? Absolutely!
by fedorE infrom channel c (today).
you may have read something similar to this before but the specific details are interesting.. this was put on a uk forum by an xjw called gordon...he gave me permission to use his post.. .
Also with right software they can switch on your mobile phone and use it as a microphone to listen in to any conversation that may be having."
Uh huh. I'd like for someone to point me to this "software" which allows a person to do this. The idea is possible, but the means to do it is impossible for anyone in the general public. There is no magic "software" program which allows someone to eavesdrop on a specific cellular conversation. I can do it(for testing purposes only - it is illegal otherwise), but there is no software program used. And for those who are wondering how I can do this and didn't already know, I work for a cell company in a central office.
A couple of years ago, I demonstrated on the board how it was possible to link a specific poster to their IP address on this board. It had nothing to do with the scrambled IP hash below the poster's name. It was a very simple method, one that many people use here everyday. My method took it a step further. By embedding a picture, or in my case, a 1 pixel transparent .gif file that was being served from my home web server, I could look at the web requests and match them to the time stamps on the thread and who posted them. I could ascertain the poster's IP address by looking at the web referral address. Just like I'm writing this reply, my url above ends with "reply.ashx." The way the board used to be, if my little .gif file was just a few posts back from the reply, it would reappear below the reply which meant that another web referral request was sent to my home web server. Once the post was submitted, I could check the web log on my home server and match up the timestamp between jwd and the log timestamp. Viola! Poster's IP address revealed(Simon has since fixed this issue). Once you have an IP address, you can determine the geographic location of where the internet request is coming from. I word it this way simply because not every IP address geographic location actually reveals where a poster is located. Some people could be using a proxy or they could be on their company's network which backhauls all traffic to one location - even possibly across the country(this is the way mine would look right now). But if you wanted to know the general area of where someone was(let's say you got their IP address and it was a comcast IP), you could easily narrow down what city they live in/nearby. If the poster revealed enough info about themselves(married, divorced, kids, type of car, etc), someone(bethel?) could take that info and start sleuthing in the general area and find who it was. Not to say it hasn't happened in the past, but it can happen elsewhere on other boards. So remember to keep your life private on the internet if it is important.
Please share a quote that you enjoy...
by nvrgnbk innothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose--.
a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.. mary shelley.
Once you got to Iraq and took it over, took down Saddam Hussein's government, then what are you going to put in its place? That's a very volatile part of the world, and if you take down the central government of Iraq, you could very easily end up seeing pieces of Iraq fly off: part of it, the Syrians would like to have to the west, part of it -- eastern Iraq -- the Iranians would like to claim, they fought over it for eight years. In the north you've got the Kurds, and if the Kurds spin loose and join with the Kurds in Turkey, then you threaten the territorial integrity of Turkey.
It's a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq.
The other thing was casualties. Everyone was impressed with the fact we were able to do our job with as few casualties as we had. But for the 146 Americans killed in action, and for their families -- it wasn't a cheap war. And the question for the president, in terms of whether or not we went on to Baghdad, took additional casualties in an effort to get Saddam Hussein, was how many additional dead Americans is Saddam worth?
Our judgment was, not very many, and I think we got it right.-- Dick Cheney, April 15, 1994
Oh, was that the wrong type of quote? How about this one?
Spice is the variety of life.
-- Unknown
nvrgnbk needs to get a life
by stillajwexelder innvrgnbk.
6,644greendawn2,456crumpet2,218free2think2,108minimus2,090onthewayout1,941purplesofa1,785jgnat1,7065go1,677ex-nj-jw1,668 .
hey nvrgnbk you really need to get a life man - this is six months only!!
Good lord. You'll never find me on that list.
CO tells us the reason for the Tract Work
by stillajwexelder inok so this was told to the entire congregation by the circuit overseer.
"the society knows the tract work brings hardly any new disciples in.
we get a few good experiences out of it and a few start studies and attend a few meetings.
I'd still say to expect to see many more tracts being offered in the coming years - eventually replacing the mags. It's all about the costs really. They're cheaper to produce(fewer pages, essentially carries the same info) and the jdubs can leave them anywhere with hardly any presentation. Just let the cover speak for itself. If I were running the show, I would have (4) tracts a year and distribute each one of them over a (3) month period. Four is just enough for variety. Do they even offer books anymore at the door? I would eliminate that as well.
Barbara's CD - Answering the Critics
by Hoping4Change init would be interesting to hear what people think will be the things (if any) that jw's wont be able to deny from barbara's work.
for example, over on the topix boards, many are crying out that the "dismissed with prejudice" documents prove nothing and that there is no "proof" any settlements were paid.
i havent hardly begun sifting through the mountain of material, and it may be too early to start a thread like this, but it would be good to hear some comment and opinions that "answer the critics" about this bundle of material..
aren't these documents something that people can post? Surely she can't have copyright over the individual documents, only her commentary. Are there other legal restrictions to putting some of them on the web?
Yes, you can post images of the transcripts, etc. By law, government documents which contain statistics, statements, or other generally publically available content(such as from a court case) are freely usable. Barbara would only hold copyright to her commentary and the CDROM's artwork. Even then, you would be allowed to post images of her writings and comment on her commentary under Fair Use. Ray Franz did the same with CoC and correspondence he retained from his Bethel years. I haven't received my CDROM yet, but if there are thousands of unedited or unaltered pages straight from the courthouse contained within the CDROM, you are allowed to remove those images and do with them as you see fit. It's just with Barbara's package, you are getting the story behind the story by purchasing the CDROM. This in itself is worth the price.
Attention - file host ordered to take down MY picture today !!
by cultswatter inattention!!!!!
geeeeezuz help us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
someone is trying to railroad my thread entitled "stern magazine -important".
Public talk will be reduced to 30 minutes
by martinjw7 inhave you heard about a letter for all congregations announced next new change in wts politics?.
in letter is information that the time for the public talk will be reduced to 30 minutes.. does anyone have a copy?
This will help them accomodate the reduction in kigdom halls. with this arrangement there is the ability to have 4 meetings a day on sunday
As was "foretold" years ago, once the WTS feels the cash crunch, they will have to start selling KH's to stay afloat(this isn't just a guess - it is going to happen eventually). It could be that this announcement is primarily for larger cities where there are several congregations colocated in a reachable geographic area. In other words, if a city(including suburbs) has 10 congregations and 5 KH's, the WTS can sell at least 2 KH's and force the congregations to merge or share the remaining KH's. Four congregations per hall is about the maximum. I used to attend a KH in El Cajon, CA where the first Sunday meeting started at 10:00am and the last meeting of the day started at 7:00pm(1 hour in between each). But it wouldn't surprise me to see or hear reports of KH's being sold more frequently. I would also assume that the WTS will try to keep it fairly quiet.