CG, I was in Greenwood Village for only two years('00-'01). I have a hard time remembering some of the last names from there, but if you wanted to pm me with the families that you knew, I would recall them easier. I'm good at remembering the faces, but I'm superbad with names. You mentioned Orchard Park as being one of the congos -- when I was there, the only two english congos were Greenwood Village and DTC, with a foreign language group that met on the lower level. The hall was on Orchard.
JoinedPosts by Jourles
Denver CO Congregations?
by feenx inhellllllllllo all :)
so anyone from any denver congregations?
i was in the bear valley cong.
The Depths They Will Sink To.....
by sweet pea inhaving almost gotten over my jw ex-best friend telling me she could no longer be my friend, handing me back my spare keys, sending a note and present to my kids with not even a 'dear sam', shunning me in the park, etc, etc she now sacks her immigrant cleaner (who became her cleaner due to my recommendation a year ago) by text message.
cleaner phones her to check out what's going on and she tells her you can no longer clean for us as you work for sam and my husband wants us to have no connection whatever - you may tell her things about us and we don't want that.
charming, another kick in the stomach for me and a great witness to the cleaner (who ironically we found out a few months ago has a father who is a witness!).
I know it's rough when your friends do that to you, but there is a way to look at this positively. Just keep telling yourself that by your friend's example, they unknowingly kept a "worldly" person from ever joining this cult....and you didn't have to say a word.
"By their fruitage..."
Denver CO Congregations?
by feenx inhellllllllllo all :)
so anyone from any denver congregations?
i was in the bear valley cong.
CHL, were you in the DTC congo? I was in the Greenwood Village side. The best man in my wedding, Josh B.(a biggie sized version of Beavis), was, and I believe still is in the DTC hall. He married a sister from the UK. We both were in the Monument hall too(his folks still are).
poll for the ladies....
by sweetstuff ini noticed alot of polls of what the guys about the ladies?
do you prefer blonde, redhead or dark?
how about height?
So what about guys with braces? <----- *sorry, closest avatar I could find that looks like braces*
Jehovah's Witnesses Are An Illogical People & They Should Be Embarrassed!
by minimus inquestion a witness in a very logical manner about their view of blood transfusions and blood fractions and see what you'll get.. ask a witness where in the bible it states that you can't talk to a disfellowshipped family member unless he or she lived in your home.. ask a witness why they need 2 witnesses to establish that a child has been molested but they don't need 2 witnesses to establish that a spouse has been unfaithful and that the accuser may now be free to "scripturally" remarry.. have a jehovah's witness prove to you that filling out a service report is necessary for a christian to have god's approval.. can you think of other proofs that the witness religion is totally illogical??
Auld, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! You're tipping him off to my psychological tools.
Nah, my GF is way better looking.
But you haven't seen me get all dolled up yet...
Jehovah's Witnesses Are An Illogical People & They Should Be Embarrassed!
by minimus inquestion a witness in a very logical manner about their view of blood transfusions and blood fractions and see what you'll get.. ask a witness where in the bible it states that you can't talk to a disfellowshipped family member unless he or she lived in your home.. ask a witness why they need 2 witnesses to establish that a child has been molested but they don't need 2 witnesses to establish that a spouse has been unfaithful and that the accuser may now be free to "scripturally" remarry.. have a jehovah's witness prove to you that filling out a service report is necessary for a christian to have god's approval.. can you think of other proofs that the witness religion is totally illogical??
Jourles, I'll take care of you later.
If I didn't know better, that sounds like you're going to get me drunk and try to take advantage of me!
Jehovah's Witnesses Are An Illogical People & They Should Be Embarrassed!
by minimus inquestion a witness in a very logical manner about their view of blood transfusions and blood fractions and see what you'll get.. ask a witness where in the bible it states that you can't talk to a disfellowshipped family member unless he or she lived in your home.. ask a witness why they need 2 witnesses to establish that a child has been molested but they don't need 2 witnesses to establish that a spouse has been unfaithful and that the accuser may now be free to "scripturally" remarry.. have a jehovah's witness prove to you that filling out a service report is necessary for a christian to have god's approval.. can you think of other proofs that the witness religion is totally illogical??
Re: deaconbluez post --- Any other questions Min?
That about covered it.
If you were given $1M.....
by Jourles in...and the only stipulation for spending it was that you had to use it in some way against the wts, how would you use the money?
a tv campaign?
And, I would get some software to translate the whole thing into Spanish (so Spanish language posts would get into the main system in English and could be translated into Spanish if the user wants it), Portuguese (for Brazil), French, Italian, Chinese (just in case), Nigerian, and any other languages that are in emergency conditions with potentially exploding populations of Witlesses. After that is established, other languages would be added so eventually every language where Puketower litter-ature exists would have access to the whole system in their native language.
Maybe we could get the WTS to license their MEPS system for us to use. You never know, it would mean money coming in instead of going out!
If you were given $1M.....
by Jourles in...and the only stipulation for spending it was that you had to use it in some way against the wts, how would you use the money?
a tv campaign?
Those are some really good ideas there. I won't comment on Min's idea...
Para, if I were still in but wanting to fade or get out, I would probably be inclined to join in on such an activity. Anonymity is one of the greatest freedoms for jw's still in - just look at this board.
poll for the ladies....
by sweetstuff ini noticed alot of polls of what the guys about the ladies?
do you prefer blonde, redhead or dark?
how about height?
Hands, eh? That goes along with my new volleyball t-shirt design ---
Front of shirt says, "Women always ask me if I moisturize..."
Back of shirt says, "...'Cause my hands are so damn smooth." And then there is a silhouette of two hands in a setting position.