Yep, saw the film and met MM at the premiere:
As MM brought up in the film and as many people, including myself, have repeatedly mentioned, the folks against "Socialism" (or in their minds Communism -- ooooooo!) are quite content with the "socialized" services they receive nowadays. What if you had to pay for Fire or Police Dept insurance? What if you called 911 and the first thing they asked you was, "What insurance do you have?" The next time you dial 911, think about this and the role socialism plays in our US society. If someone gets bent out of shape over Socialism, I would highly suggest you start weening yourself off of these services in your community. Get a larger garden hose, setup a super secure alarm system in your house, get a gun - do what you need to do to get yourself out of the system. Hmmm, is it any coincidence that our fire trucks are painted Red?